[HTC-PRO] 10/2 SsS-ROMv0402 WM65(21864.5.0.81) Rhodium Manila2.1 EzInput2.1

Re: ROM 7/18 SsS-ROMv0204 WM65(23007530) Rhodium Manila EzIn

well.... there r a few bugs on it man.... i read those reviews on ppcgeeks and i am having same issues with mine too.... onscreen keyboard and hardware keyboard fights while on internet explorer..... clock on the taskbar can not be removed.....and yes sync problem, n yes i did take battery out and did a hard reset....... as for speed and performance, i don know i don see any difference... i still have v0203, im flashing back to it until they come out with fixes......
Re: ROM 7/18 SsS-ROMv0204 WM65(23007530) Rhodium Manila EzIn

well.... there r a few bugs on it man.... i read those reviews on ppcgeeks and i am having same issues with mine too.... onscreen keyboard and hardware keyboard fights while on internet explorer..... clock on the taskbar can not be removed.....and yes sync problem, n yes i did take battery out and did a hard reset....... as for speed and performance, i don know i don see any difference... i still have v0203, im flashing back to it until they come out with fixes......

Which version of v0204 are you running?, i know for a fact Deck makes the stuffed version specially for him, so it may be less buggy than the other ones, so if you flahed to something else I would try the stuffed version, I always run standard though.
Re: ROM 7/18 SsS-ROMv0204 WM65(23007530) Rhodium Manila EzIn

Which version of v0204 are you running?, i know for a fact Deck makes the stuffed version specially for him, so it may be less buggy than the other ones, so if you flahed to something else I would try the stuffed version, I always run standard though.

the stuffed with sprints stuffs...... i flashed back to v0203... so far i like the v0203... but i know they will fix all those bugs for sure then i will flash it to v0204...
and guys i am getting very slow internet speed... i remember we have some registry setting for the mogul to boost up its speed.... is there anything like that for touch pro ??? i searched did not find anything.... can anyone tell me what should i search for ???
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Re: *ROM* *7/18* *SsS-ROMv0204* *WM6.5(23007.5.3.0)* *Rhodium Manila* *EzIn

So I flashed back to a stock rom and then again to the new SsS and it still gave me a connection error. With previous versions it would not sync if the box "Enable faster data syncronization" under connection settings was checked, well this is not the case with this version, it'll sync with no problems unless you uncheck it, then i'll give you the connection error, so leave it checked!!
Re: ROM 7/18 SsS-ROMv0204 WM65(23007530) Rhodium Manila EzIn

I just flashed to v204. I'm out of state and traveling back home today. So far I have not had a chance to play around with this version. The clock in the task bar was what M$ decided to put in WM6.5. By removing it, the OS messes up and has errors. deck had to put the clock back in to stablize the OS.

I have no idea why M$ wanted to keep the clock in the task bar since the battery meter was a better choice. Hopefully, with the official release there will be an option to show the clock or battery. I hate being "stuck" with what "they" think I should have.

As annonying as that damn clock is, there is hope. when the battery drops below 50%, a battery meter will popup to the left of the EVDO icon, and display the battery level.
Re: ROM 7/18 SsS-ROMv0204 WM65(23007530) Rhodium Manila EzIn

hey guys... i still have the v0203 n i luv it... but i just found out couple of problems on my fone... it doesnot ring !!!!! i mean it rings sometimes n then it does not ring again... my volume is on max n i have checked eveything on the settings....n whenever i get a call from anybody who is already on my contact list, it does not display the name but says unknown caller... even when i dial someone from contact list, on the dialer it says unknown.... i don know why its doing that... anybody having similar problem ?? any fix ????
Re: ROM 7/18 SsS-ROMv0204 WM65(23007530) Rhodium Manila EzIn

hey guys... i still have the v0203 n i luv it... but i just found out couple of problems on my fone... it doesnot ring !!!!! i mean it rings sometimes n then it does not ring again... my volume is on max n i have checked eveything on the settings....n whenever i get a call from anybody who is already on my contact list, it does not display the name but says unknown caller... even when i dial someone from contact list, on the dialer it says unknown.... i don know why its doing that... anybody having similar problem ?? any fix ????

do you have nay other afternmarket contact managers, dialers, or anything like that?
Re: ROM 7/18 SsS-ROMv0204 WM65(23007530) Rhodium Manila EzIn

well overall I was loving the ROM after flashing it last night with Selboriyorker Mobile Shell as well. This morning I'm having a whole host of problems. the Facebook shortcut from the start menu kept giving me an error message before it decided to work, Selboriyorker MS doesnt load n e more, clicking on a text message from the TF3D restarts TF3D completely. In the taskbar, it says i have no signal yet im still sending text and receiving. I'm missing buttons like in contacts where u hit "done" (im guessing) as well as other screens. Is there a way to run both TF3D2 and Selboriyorker MS and just switch between the two? It was working at first and i ran my phone all night, now MS doesnt start and TF3D keeps disabling itself. Thnx for any help, overall love the ROM jus havin minor problems
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Re: ROM 7/18 SsS-ROMv0204 WM65(23007530) Rhodium Manila EzIn

well overall I was loving the ROM after flashing it last night with Selboriyorker Mobile Shell as well. This morning I'm having a whole host of problems. the Facebook shortcut from the start menu kept giving me an error message before it decided to work, Selboriyorker MS doesnt load n e more, clicking on a text message from the TF3D restarts TF3D completely. In the taskbar, it says i have no signal yet im still sending text and receiving. I'm missing buttons like in contacts where u hit "done" (im guessing) as well as other screens. Is there a way to run both TF3D2 and Selboriyorker MS and just switch between the two? It was working at first and i ran my phone all night, now MS doesnt start and TF3D keeps disabling itself. Thnx for any help, overall love the ROM jus havin minor problems

you might what to flash back to stock then reflash. I have not had any problems with v204. honestly i've not flashed to stock in a while, but i've only been running earilier versions of this rom. since you are having so many issues flashing back to stock might be the way to go.
Re: ROM 7/18 SsS-ROMv0204 WM65(23007530) Rhodium Manila EzIn

iight, downloading Sprint Stock now, let u kno how it turns out. N e ideas about the Selboriyorker Mobile Shell issue?
Re: ROM 7/18 SsS-ROMv0204 WM65(23007530) Rhodium Manila EzIn

iight, downloading Sprint Stock now, let u kno how it turns out. N e ideas about the Selboriyorker Mobile Shell issue?

not yet. it might clear out once you get done reflashing. MS3 is, in essence, a UI and doesn't have any real impact on your programs. meaning if your OS is bad the MS3 would not work properly.
Re: ROM 7/18 SsS-ROMv0204 WM65(23007530) Rhodium Manila EzIn

lol sorry, Selboriyorker Mobile Shell doesnt load any more, I've tried unistalling and re-installing the CAB file, now it doesnt want to launch. And is there a way to run TF3D2 and Selboriyorker Mobile Shell. It worked wen i first flashed the ROM, I just put a short cut for "Selboriyorker Home" in the program window. Now Selboriyorker Mobiel Shell doesnt load at all.
Re: ROM 7/18 SsS-ROMv0204 WM65(23007530) Rhodium Manila EzIn

lol sorry, Selboriyorker Mobile Shell doesnt load any more, I've tried unistalling and re-installing the CAB file, now it doesnt want to launch. And is there a way to run TF3D2 and Selboriyorker Mobile Shell. It worked wen i first flashed the ROM, I just put a short cut for "Selboriyorker Home" in the program window. Now Selboriyorker Mobiel Shell doesnt load at all.

have you flashed back to stock yet? and than flash back to the custom rom if you still want custom and go for it and see what it does.
Re: ROM 7/18 SsS-ROMv0204 WM65(23007530) Rhodium Manila EzIn

Kelso said:
And is there a way to run TF3D2 and Selboriyorker Mobile Shell.

touchflo detacher.

and be more specific.

What phone do you have/ carrier/ original OS. there is a MAJOR difference between GSM and CDMA. i see your profile shows TP but WM5...???? I'm confused..........

what did you flash too, i assmue this rom.

you might want to post your questions about your issues in the Q & A forums, since this section is for issues with this ROM. If you have an install glitch uninstall the program all together and remove the settings in the registry, in case something is hung.

lastly you shouldn't need to put a shortcut anywhere, Selboriyorker does that for you.
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Re: ROM 7/18 SsS-ROMv0204 WM65(23007530) Rhodium Manila EzIn

Sprint, Touch Pro, Original Rom was Stock with WM 6.1, i flashed to this ROM and the reason i placed a Short cut was so i could go back to the Shell straight from the program launcher in TF3D2
Re: *ROM* *7/18* *SsS-ROMv0204* *WM6.5(23007.5.3.0)* *Rhodium Manila* *EzIn

can we keep it on topic of this rom please... if you have furhter errors that dont dealwith this rom that you ewant cleared up on for your 6.1 rom please make a new thread.... just trying to keep the inofrmation in this rom for the potential users easy to read and find and not have to scrap through something totally off topic from the rom.
Re: ROM 7/18 SsS-ROMv0204 WM65(23007530) Rhodium Manila EzIn

do you have nay other afternmarket contact managers, dialers, or anything like that?
no man i just flashed to the new v0204 n i don have any thing on my fone.... all i have done so far is ran the selboriyorker backup... but i don have any other dialer, or contact manager..... and even after flshing to the new version it still does that.... even if i dial anyone from my contact list it still says unknown.... its getting annoying now man......
Re: ROM 7/18 SsS-ROMv0204 WM65(23007530) Rhodium Manila EzIn

no man i just flashed to the new v0204 n i don have any thing on my fone.... all i have done so far is ran the selboriyorker backup... but i don have any other dialer, or contact manager..... and even after flshing to the new version it still does that.... even if i dial anyone from my contact list it still says unknown.... its getting annoying now man......
did you flash a rom and than run a full restore from a past rom? if so you arent really flashing the rom ince the registry will be reconverted back to the old.