MR.X Rom V 1.6.1
MR. X Rhodium ROM Special Thanks to:
CMonex, MightyMike, Juicy47, DCD, Conflipper, JMZ, nico4k and Ticklemepinks!
Special Thanks to Saumaun for the great graphics!
Get it HERE
Reboot after install.
Note to users: You MUST use the provisioning App located in Settings > Connections > MR.X CDMA Provisioning! Failing to do so may cause unwanted bugs with in the keyboard and or other carrier apps you chose to install. See Post 3.
MR. X Rhodium ROM Special Thanks to:
CMonex, MightyMike, Juicy47, DCD, Conflipper, JMZ, nico4k and Ticklemepinks!
Special Thanks to Saumaun for the great graphics!

Get it HERE
Reboot after install.
Note to users: You MUST use the provisioning App located in Settings > Connections > MR.X CDMA Provisioning! Failing to do so may cause unwanted bugs with in the keyboard and or other carrier apps you chose to install. See Post 3.
Change Log:
[B][U]NOV 26th 2009[/U][/B][U][B]:[/B][/U]
[#] New Bluetooth Stack v1.92.4 *YES IT HANGS UP,
[#] Rom rebuilt from the ground up
[#] Newer D3D Driver
[#] Overhauled Carrier Provisioning, USC Now Included
[#] New RunCC/Windows Splash and Loading Bars
[#] Windows Phone CDMA RSSI *Thanks to Nico4K*
[#] Be Polite *Apristel pointed this out Thanks!*
[#] WINCE OS 21869.5.0.82
[#] 2.01.69306 Kernel
[#] True 6.5 OEMDrivers
[#] AdobePDF_2_5_1_0_378273_01B
[#] AdvancedNetwork_1_0_12_0
[#] aGPSConfirmation_1_0_19183131_04
[#] Album_3_0_19202431_0
[#] AppServiceMsg_1_12_0_0
[#] App_Service_1_72_0_2
[#] AudioBooster_2_2_19174121_1
[#] AudioManager_Eng_1_7_19202329_h
[#] BCR_WWE_1_0_f090225b_00
[#] BluetoothSetting_2_11_1_2
[#] BootLauncher_1_0_19152530_1
[#] ButtonSetting_3_17_0_2
[#] Calculator_1_1_19201131_01
[#] Camera_6_17_36214_0
[#] CDMA_RSSI_PPC_1_28_0_0
[#] ClearStorage_1_42_0_0
[#] CMInternetSharing_1_1_1_2
[#] CM_Guardian_Service_1_20_0_2
[#] CommManager_2_9_8_0
[#] ConcurrenceMgr_1_5_19142726_00
[#] ConnectionSetup_3_1_19193429_00
[#] ConnectionSetup_DB
[#] ConnectionSetup_WVGA
[#] ContactUtilityEngine_1_0_19182924_0000
[#] D3D LEO
[#] DataDisconnect_1_14_0_0
[#] DataRoamGuard_1_20_0_1
[#] DelWMPTempFolder_1_10_0_0
[#] DeviceInfo_1_39_0_2
[#] DialerMenuExt_1_11_0_1
[#] DiscretixDRM_1_0_20090930_CP_01
[#] DMRouter_2_46_0_0
[#] DRMMiddleware_1_5_19142824_00
[#] Dshow_2_0_19201729_00
[#] EnableNitz_1_10_0_1
[#] EPSTLab_4_14_0_0
[#] EPST_4_67_0_0
[#] FacebookEngine_1_0_19184127_00
[#] FieldTrial_4_23_0_1
[#] Field_T_e_s_t_2_19_0_0
[#] FlashLiteShareDLL_1_0_19201927_0
[#] FolderViewer_1_0_18221231_1
[#] Fuart_1_14_0_1
[#] FullScreenPlayer_1_6_19173924_00
[#] Generic
[#] GoogleLocationService_1_0_1_20
[#] GPS_GMM_3_2_116_1
[#] GSensorCalibrator_1_1_18212730_4
[#] HACSetting_1_0_2_1
[#] HTCAnimation_1_3_5_0
[#] HTCApplication_1_14_1_0
[#] HTCFontLink_1_0_19132133_1
[#] HTCFramework_1_1_19191322_00
[#] HTCGeoService_1_0_19192827_00
[#] HTCMessage_1_07_281_2
[#] HTCScroll_2_0_19201130_00
[#] HTCSettings_1_4_3_0
[#] HTCStartUp_1_7_0_0
[#] HTCUtil_4_12_0_2
[#] HTC_EmailSetupWizard_2_0_19192729_30
[#] IE6Enhancement_1_0_19202230_00
[#] IME_Engine_Western_2_1_19201726_00
[#] IME_EzInput_Western_2_1_19192721_01
[#] initProv_2_57_0_1
[#] InvokeSIMMgr_1_12_0_1
[#] JBlendJava_JTWI_0_0_20090429_21R4
[#] LaunchSIMPINUI_1_13_0_0
[#] LockScreenAppLauncher_1_0_1918_3827
[#] LockStreamDRM_1_2_081216_O9_05
[#] LongPressEndKey_1_2_19143124_00
[#] Manila_2_1_19193517_0
[#] MediaToolkit_1_0_19202431_00
[#] Menu_Enhancement_1_1_19202527_00
[#] Message_Enhancement_1_2_19201930_03
[#] mHubVO_1_77_090723_X0
[#] MicrophoneAGC_0_91_0_6
[#] ModeSwitchMsg_1_25_0_0
[#] ModeSwitchRIL_1_10_0_0
[#] MP3Trimmer_1_2_19171125_2
[#] MRX Provisioning
[#] MS MyPhone 01_05_2128_0401
[#] MS_Facebook_1_1
[#] Mute_1_1_2_0
[#] MyCPL_3_13_0_6
[#] NewContactCard_1_0_19202620_00
[#] NewMailAccount_1_11_0_1
[#] Notification_Enhancement_2_0_1919_1427
[#] Opera_Browser_9_50_17518_0
[#] PHM_Soft_Reset_Utility_1_0
[#] PhoneCanvas_5_30_0_0
[#] Phonecanvas_MASD_3_40_1920_1930
[#] PhoneExt_Service_2_52_0_0
[#] PhoneSetting_1_58_0_0
[#] PictureEnhancement_1_50_19171326_00
[#] PKG_1_1_0_0
[#] PowerOffWarning_2_13_0_0
[#] Power_3_5_0_1
[#] Power_Service_2_23_0_3
[#] ProgressMenuExt_1_11_0_0
[#] PushInternetEngine_1_0_19173030_00
[#] QuickGPS_UCS_WWE_1_01_19182931_02
[#] RandomAccess_4_1_19163625_0
[#] Redial_1_3_0_0
[#] Resource_Proxy_1_0_19171732_02
[#] Rhodium_W_WM65_LockScreenAppLauncher_Default_Skin
[#] RingtonePlugin_1_0_19161525_00
[#] RSSHub_2_1_1_1091_03
[#] RunCC_1_1_6_0
[#] Sense UI 2.1.1919 Custom Wallpaper
[#] Sense UI 2.1.1919 Transparent Top Curtain
[#] SensorSDK_4_0_19191432_00
[#] SetVoiceOnlyUI_1_10_0_0
[#] SharedResource_1_0_19201926_00
[#] Shared_Modules_1_01_19201225_00
[#] ShowPhoneNo_1_21_0_0
[#] SignatureReplace_1_2_0_0
[#] SignatureReplace_1_5_0_0
[#] SimContactImport_3_4_19191429_00
[#] SimContactImport_WVGA
[#] SIMSecurity_1_14_0_0
[#] SIM_Mgr_6_76_0_1
[#] SlidingSound_1_2_4_0
[#] SMSInboxThreading_1_37_0_0
[#] SMSRetry_Service_1_17_0_1
[#] STK_Service_4_91_0_0
[#] STK_UIPPC_4_71_0_0
[#] STK_Worldphone_Reg_1_0_0_0
[#] StorageLow_1_0_0_2
[#] StreamingMedia_3_1_19183421_01
[#] StreamingSrcFilter_2_7_19162918_00
[#] TaskManager_2_1_19183631_17
[#] Teeter_1_6_19192931_00
[#] TimeZoneAutoFix_1_0_19202528_00
[#] TouchOptions_1_0_19171631_00
[#] TVOutPopUp_1_2_19142724_0
[#] TVOutSetting_2_14_0_1
[#] USBToPCPopUp_2_2_19143124_0
[#] USBtoPC_1_25_0_0
[#] USSD_Service_4_34_0_1
[#] VoiceRecorder_1_10_19171120_1
[#] Volume_Control_2_2_19202632_20
[#] Wi-FiWizard_1_24_1_0
[#] WiFiSettings_1_2_5_0
[#] Windows Live PKG
[#] WLANSettings_2_6_4_0
[#] YouTube_2_6_19194025_00
[#] zlibce_m_1_2_3_0
Sprint TV
All Carriers (excluding Telus):
ArcSoft MMS << Must Install Provisioning cab, this pack is server generic.
Custom Panoramic background:
1) Create an image that is 1200x800 resolution
2) Name it panoramic.jpg
3) Drop it in the windows directory and reboot.
How to use Provision:
1)Settings > Connections > Mr.X CDMA Provisiong.
2) Click the button beside you carrier.
3) Click commit in the bottom right.
4) Reboot when asked.

i take no credit for this rom and the original thread can be found here:
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