[HTC-PRO2] [11-26-09] [ROM] MR.X WM6.5 V1.6.1 [Build 21864] [SDConfig]


Owner - Staff
MR.X Rom V 1.6.1

MR. X Rhodium ROM Special Thanks to:
CMonex, MightyMike, Juicy47, DCD, Conflipper, JMZ, nico4k and Ticklemepinks!

Special Thanks to Saumaun for the great graphics!


Get it HERE

Reboot after install.

Note to users: You MUST use the provisioning App located in Settings > Connections > MR.X CDMA Provisioning! Failing to do so may cause unwanted bugs with in the keyboard and or other carrier apps you chose to install. See Post 3.

Change Log:

[B][U]NOV 26th 2009[/U][/B][U][B]:[/B][/U]


[#] New Bluetooth Stack v1.92.4 *YES IT HANGS UP, 
[#] Rom rebuilt from the ground up
[#] Newer D3D Driver
[#] Overhauled Carrier Provisioning, USC Now Included
[#] New RunCC/Windows Splash and Loading Bars
[#] Windows Phone CDMA RSSI *Thanks to Nico4K*
[#] Be Polite  *Apristel pointed this out Thanks!*
[#] WINCE OS 21869.5.0.82
[#] 2.01.69306 Kernel
[#] True 6.5 OEMDrivers

[#] AdobePDF_2_5_1_0_378273_01B 
[#] AdvancedNetwork_1_0_12_0 
[#] aGPSConfirmation_1_0_19183131_04 
[#] Album_3_0_19202431_0 
[#] AppServiceMsg_1_12_0_0 
[#] App_Service_1_72_0_2 
[#] AudioBooster_2_2_19174121_1 
[#] AudioManager_Eng_1_7_19202329_h 
[#] BCR_WWE_1_0_f090225b_00 
[#] BluetoothSetting_2_11_1_2 
[#] BootLauncher_1_0_19152530_1 
[#] ButtonSetting_3_17_0_2 
[#] Calculator_1_1_19201131_01 
[#] Camera_6_17_36214_0 
[#] CDMA_RSSI_PPC_1_28_0_0 
[#] ClearStorage_1_42_0_0 
[#] CMInternetSharing_1_1_1_2 
[#] CM_Guardian_Service_1_20_0_2 
[#] CommManager_2_9_8_0 
[#] ConcurrenceMgr_1_5_19142726_00 
[#] ConnectionSetup_3_1_19193429_00 
[#] ConnectionSetup_DB 
[#] ConnectionSetup_WVGA 
[#] ContactUtilityEngine_1_0_19182924_0000 
[#] D3D LEO 
[#] DataDisconnect_1_14_0_0 
[#] DataRoamGuard_1_20_0_1 
[#] DelWMPTempFolder_1_10_0_0 
[#] DeviceInfo_1_39_0_2 
[#] DialerMenuExt_1_11_0_1 
[#] DiscretixDRM_1_0_20090930_CP_01 
[#] DMRouter_2_46_0_0 
[#] DRMMiddleware_1_5_19142824_00 
[#] Dshow_2_0_19201729_00 
[#] EnableNitz_1_10_0_1 
[#] EPSTLab_4_14_0_0 
[#] EPST_4_67_0_0 
[#] FacebookEngine_1_0_19184127_00 
[#] FieldTrial_4_23_0_1 
[#] Field_T_e_s_t_2_19_0_0 
[#] FlashLiteShareDLL_1_0_19201927_0 
[#] FolderViewer_1_0_18221231_1 
[#] Fuart_1_14_0_1 
[#] FullScreenPlayer_1_6_19173924_00 
[#] Generic 
[#] GoogleLocationService_1_0_1_20 
[#] GPS_GMM_3_2_116_1 
[#] GSensorCalibrator_1_1_18212730_4 
[#] HACSetting_1_0_2_1 
[#] HTCAnimation_1_3_5_0 
[#] HTCApplication_1_14_1_0 
[#] HTCFontLink_1_0_19132133_1 
[#] HTCFramework_1_1_19191322_00 
[#] HTCGeoService_1_0_19192827_00 
[#] HTCMessage_1_07_281_2 
[#] HTCScroll_2_0_19201130_00 
[#] HTCSettings_1_4_3_0 
[#] HTCStartUp_1_7_0_0 
[#] HTCUtil_4_12_0_2 
[#] HTC_EmailSetupWizard_2_0_19192729_30 
[#] IE6Enhancement_1_0_19202230_00 
[#] IME_Engine_Western_2_1_19201726_00 
[#] IME_EzInput_Western_2_1_19192721_01 
[#] initProv_2_57_0_1 
[#] InvokeSIMMgr_1_12_0_1 
[#] JBlendJava_JTWI_0_0_20090429_21R4 
[#] LaunchSIMPINUI_1_13_0_0 
[#] LockScreenAppLauncher_1_0_1918_3827 
[#] LockStreamDRM_1_2_081216_O9_05 
[#] LongPressEndKey_1_2_19143124_00 
[#] Manila_2_1_19193517_0 
[#] MediaToolkit_1_0_19202431_00 
[#] Menu_Enhancement_1_1_19202527_00 
[#] Message_Enhancement_1_2_19201930_03 
[#] mHubVO_1_77_090723_X0 
[#] MicrophoneAGC_0_91_0_6 
[#] ModeSwitchMsg_1_25_0_0 
[#] ModeSwitchRIL_1_10_0_0 
[#] MP3Trimmer_1_2_19171125_2 
[#] MRX Provisioning 
[#] MS MyPhone 01_05_2128_0401 
[#] MS_Facebook_1_1 
[#] Mute_1_1_2_0 
[#] MyCPL_3_13_0_6 
[#] NewContactCard_1_0_19202620_00 
[#] NewMailAccount_1_11_0_1 
[#] Notification_Enhancement_2_0_1919_1427 
[#] Opera_Browser_9_50_17518_0 
[#] PHM_Soft_Reset_Utility_1_0 
[#] PhoneCanvas_5_30_0_0 
[#] Phonecanvas_MASD_3_40_1920_1930 
[#] PhoneExt_Service_2_52_0_0 
[#] PhoneSetting_1_58_0_0 
[#] PictureEnhancement_1_50_19171326_00 
[#] PKG_1_1_0_0 
[#] PowerOffWarning_2_13_0_0 
[#] Power_3_5_0_1 
[#] Power_Service_2_23_0_3 
[#] ProgressMenuExt_1_11_0_0 
[#] PushInternetEngine_1_0_19173030_00 
[#] QuickGPS_UCS_WWE_1_01_19182931_02 
[#] RandomAccess_4_1_19163625_0 
[#] Redial_1_3_0_0 
[#] Resource_Proxy_1_0_19171732_02 
[#] Rhodium_W_WM65_LockScreenAppLauncher_Default_Skin 
[#] RingtonePlugin_1_0_19161525_00 
[#] RSSHub_2_1_1_1091_03 
[#] RunCC_1_1_6_0 
[#] Sense UI 2.1.1919 Custom Wallpaper 
[#] Sense UI 2.1.1919 Transparent Top Curtain 
[#] SensorSDK_4_0_19191432_00 
[#] SetVoiceOnlyUI_1_10_0_0 
[#] SharedResource_1_0_19201926_00 
[#] Shared_Modules_1_01_19201225_00 
[#] ShowPhoneNo_1_21_0_0 
[#] SignatureReplace_1_2_0_0 
[#] SignatureReplace_1_5_0_0 
[#] SimContactImport_3_4_19191429_00 
[#] SimContactImport_WVGA 
[#] SIMSecurity_1_14_0_0 
[#] SIM_Mgr_6_76_0_1 
[#] SlidingSound_1_2_4_0 
[#] SMSInboxThreading_1_37_0_0 
[#] SMSRetry_Service_1_17_0_1 
[#] STK_Service_4_91_0_0 
[#] STK_UIPPC_4_71_0_0 
[#] STK_Worldphone_Reg_1_0_0_0 
[#] StorageLow_1_0_0_2 
[#] StreamingMedia_3_1_19183421_01 
[#] StreamingSrcFilter_2_7_19162918_00 
[#] TaskManager_2_1_19183631_17 
[#] Teeter_1_6_19192931_00 
[#] TimeZoneAutoFix_1_0_19202528_00 
[#] TouchOptions_1_0_19171631_00 
[#] TVOutPopUp_1_2_19142724_0 
[#] TVOutSetting_2_14_0_1 
[#] USBToPCPopUp_2_2_19143124_0 
[#] USBtoPC_1_25_0_0 
[#] USSD_Service_4_34_0_1 
[#] VoiceRecorder_1_10_19171120_1 
[#] Volume_Control_2_2_19202632_20 
[#] Wi-FiWizard_1_24_1_0 
[#] WiFiSettings_1_2_5_0 
[#] Windows Live PKG 
[#] WLANSettings_2_6_4_0 
[#] YouTube_2_6_19194025_00 
[#] zlibce_m_1_2_3_0



Sprint TV

All Carriers (excluding Telus):

ArcSoft MMS << Must Install Provisioning cab, this pack is server generic.

Custom Panoramic background:

1) Create an image that is 1200x800 resolution

2) Name it panoramic.jpg

3) Drop it in the windows directory and reboot.

How to use Provision:

1)Settings > Connections > Mr.X CDMA Provisiong.

2) Click the button beside you carrier.

3) Click commit in the bottom right.

4) Reboot when asked.



i take no credit for this rom and the original thread can be found here:
Last edited:
Re: [11-10-09] [ROM] MR.X WM6.5 [Build 21854] [SDConfig]

i dash love this rom and have been using for the past 24 hours and these ar emy top 10 points on this rom

1. smooth
2. fast
3. no lag at all
4. instant gps lock
5. mms works
6. speaker is clear as day
7. reception is great
8. battery life is great even when in world mode with sim card in the device
9. doesnt have garbage some will never use to lag it down
10. leaves room for your own style of customization
Re [111009] [ROM] MRX WM65 [Build 21854] [SDConfig]

i dash love this rom and have been using for the past 24 hours and these ar emy top 10 points on this rom

1. smooth
2. fast
3. no lag at all
4. instant gps lock
5. mms works
6. speaker is clear as day
7. reception is great
8. battery life is great even when in world mode with sim card in the device
9. doesnt have garbage some will never use to lag it down
10. leaves room for your own style of customization

I will have to try this out too. It seems the non-leo roms don't have the MMS problem. How does it compare to mighty rom in your opinion? I'm running that now.
Re: Re [111009] [ROM] MRX WM65 [Build 21854] [SDConfig]

I will have to try this out too. It seems the non-leo roms don't have the MMS problem. How does it compare to mighty rom in your opinion? I'm running that now.

i find all of the above mentioned better on this rom than mighty even though might is a great rom in itself.... just personal preference and this is a pure clean rom without any extras period.
Re: [11-10-09] [ROM] MR.X WM6.5 [Build 21854] [SDConfig]

Cool. Well I have another project tomorrow. Thanks for the response (which was a little quick......and kind of scary lol) But seriously, how do you keep up with all of these threads man?
Re: [11-10-09] [ROM] MR.X WM6.5 [Build 21854] [SDConfig]

Cool. Well I have another project tomorrow. Thanks for the response (which was a little quick......and kind of scary lol) But seriously, how do you keep up with all of these threads man?

its all about organization brudda, if you have stuff organized and well thought out beforehand you will be able to do the same... thats why the prep is so important.... think of it as a paint job on your car. if they prep guy leaves dust all over the car and you spray paint over it the dust is going to show and be stuck in the paint. if it was clean/organized it would have gone smoothly
Re [111009] [ROM] MRX WM65 [Build 21854] [SDConfig]

its all about organization brudda, if you have stuff organized and well thought out beforehand you will be able to do the same... thats why the prep is so important.... think of it as a paint job on your car. if they prep guy leaves dust all over the car and you spray paint over it the dust is going to show and be stuck in the paint. if it was clean/organized it would have gone smoothly

Gotcha. Guess I need to learn more about the site. My head starts spinning when I see all of this stuff sometimes. I don't want to get too far off topic tho lol.

I think I'll flash tonight after all.. Let's try this bad boy out.
Re: [11-16-09] [ROM] MR.X WM6.5 V1.5 [Build 21854] [SDConfig]

great rom agree with dash above this is definitely the smoothest and most stable rom yet imo. It has no unnecessary programs on it. great rom wish a leo rom was as stable as this