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  1. C

    OUTPOST D/\SH WAS 1 Million Post Game

    I kind of get a half day as well... I gotta drop a few family members at Logan airport at around 5 or 6 am.
  2. C

    [NEWS] 64GB memory card due Spring 2010

    Is this larger than my eMachine PC that I brought in 1998? I think it had 4.3 GB HDD... But seriously, wow.. I only have one 32GB SD card that I share between my Canon flashdrive camcorder and camera... along witha couple 16GB. In a couple years, these cards are like the 2GB cards I been...
  3. C

    OUTPOST D/\SH WAS 1 Million Post Game

    Happy Monday! Oh snap.. I gotta get some rest >.<
  4. C

    FS: Sprint SERO 500 Plan $30 a month

    Yes, it is hard to add Blackberry internet services (BIS) nowaday. It is doable, but too much risk and work getting it through Sprint. So TAR, I'm sorry but I would say Blackberry phones does not work on the SERO I'm trying to TOL here.
  5. C

    OUTPOST D/\SH WAS 1 Million Post Game

    Went to a flea market for the first time today, this one to be exact. Absolutely nothing to buy.. all these used utensils, keychain and bah bah bah... I was hoping to find a $10 Nokia 8800 :or some PPC!! :(
  6. C

    OUTPOST D/\SH WAS 1 Million Post Game

    Or maybe he saw how innocent you were! LOL :qq:
  7. C

    FS: Sprint SERO 500 Plan $30 a month

    Yes, Harold is first in line for this. Will update the waiting list (if it gets any longer) and my status (completed or not) with fanaticny (Harold). ------------------------------------------------------ Another update to future transactions: Can you make sure you can transfer via PayPal...
  8. C

    Sprint Touch Pro 2 Specs released

    I could imagine refurb TP2 would have some problems in the future due to the hinge. But the tilt option is nice though for watching/sharing sharing a video on the table with your buds.. or just yourself :D Oh well.. time will tell...
  9. C

    OUTPOST D/\SH WAS 1 Million Post Game

    I used to buy a Mogul in decent condition at a Sprint 3rd party store for $50.. still works as my backup at the moment xD Hey, look.. I'm that guy from your store... j/k :D
  10. C


    Welcome to the forums and hope you enjoy your stay :) This forums is full of rich content, just make sure you read, read , read on what it has to offer. Good luck with modding your phone!
  11. C

    FS: Sprint SERO 500 Plan $30 a month

    Okay guys, I will do first come first serve basis, PM me if you want to contact me through the phone, set up an appointment to do the TOL, or anything that is personal. Also, I will only deal with one TOL/person at a time. I just want everything to be smooth as possible and completely finish...
  12. C

    FS: Sprint SERO 500 Plan $30 a month

    It is like a 50/50 chance of adding a employer discount on a SERO plan as for Sprint supposed not to give discount upon a discounted plan. So far, I have done 2 TOL over the phone, they have a duration of 16 mins and 22 min respectively. Basically, I call up Sprint and tell the rep I want to TOL...
  13. C

    FS: Sprint SERO 500 Plan $30 a month

    Hello guys, I have SERO 500 plan I'm looking to transfer/sale. It will be only $80 for the plan only. What the plan includes is list below. Also, you must have a Sprint phone (no Palm Pre, Samsung Instinct, or Blackberries) upon the transfer of liability (TOL). Don't have a phone? Let me know as...
  14. C

    Touch Pro or Palm Pre

    You meant the TP2 instead of TP1 now? Since the date of the TP2 for Sprint is so close!! :D
  15. C

    Sprint tp2 out sept 3

    OMG.. this is breaking news! Must spread the words! :D
  16. C

    Umm Hello

    Nice, welcome aboard! Good to see that you have nice battery life with your TP2, just hoping that I will get the same result when I get mine on Sprint :)
  17. C

    New user

    Welcome welcome! I too have (or rather had) TP1.. look to upgrade its status :D
  18. C

    aiting Confirmation

    Re: Awaiting Confirmation Thanks, I just received it for my 1st account from the inbox. About before, I got nothing in the inbox nor the spam folder. I actually signed up from my office, but I think the work 's internet must have got to do something with the registration. Second account went...
  19. C

    Yep Got a Mogul

    Welcome! I'm new here too so :yahoo: I actually got my Mogul last November.. didn't know that people had such pimped out Moguls! None around had such Mogul.. lol