[HTC-PRO] 10/2 SsS-ROMv0402 WM65(21864.5.0.81) Rhodium Manila2.1 EzInput2.1

Re: ROM 5/20 SsS-ROMv0117 WM65(215015070) Rhodium Manila EzInpu

Ive reflashed three times (with fresh dl each time) pulled the battery out hard reset soft reset danced a jig and another hard reset.
If I leave a text message it freezes a bit, the top header disappears untill it starts running again. Couple time I just had to set the phone down and come back to it later. My boy dash has been helping me out, thanks bro. Figured it may be best for it to be here as it may help someone else. Other than that I havent had any troubles.

Ok as Im typing this (last reflash about 8:30-9:00am this morning) had about 3 different text messages and a phone call and everything went just fine not lag no freeze. Im going to ride with it and report back.

Thanks guys and gals the willingness to help each other and give a quick kick in butt when needed is great, love this site.
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Re: ROM 5/20 SsS-ROMv0117 WM65(215015070) Rhodium Manila EzInpu

Just wanted to report back on my findings. I had on small issue with in not charging, I did a soft reset and it has not happened again. Other then that, this ROM runs great, Nice find. The small issues with other ROMs were killing me, so far this is doing everything I want. Thanks.
Re: ROM 5/20 SsS-ROMv0117 WM65(215015070) Rhodium Manila EzInpu

Just wanted to report back on my findings. I had on small issue with in not charging, I did a soft reset and it has not happened again. Other then that, this ROM runs great, Nice find. The small issues with other ROMs were killing me, so far this is doing everything I want. Thanks.
I had a similar issue to this one but it only occured when i was tethearing my internet from the phone with wmwifirouter for like 2 hrs with the phone plugged in (wasnt a good idea) i noticed the battery stopped charching. i did what u did and it fixed the issue. the same will happen if you are u sprint navigation for more than an hour (i believe)... Thanks for aLL the findings of bugs to help improve the ROM.
Re: ROM 5/20 SsS-ROMv0117 WM65(215015070) Rhodium Manila EzInpu

i really likes this rom but for some reason after a few hours it would freeze then not reboot back up or it would hard reset, i had flashed it like 2 or 3 times, took battery out, hard and soft resetted..still didnt work, very strange i tried everything that people suggested and i just dont know....very odd....
Re: ROM 5/20 SsS-ROMv0117 WM65(215015070) Rhodium Manila EzInpu

This rom is fast fast fast, still not thrilled about the battery management but is not bad at all........so far i have not noticed any problems, it runs smoothly, no lags, no freezes, all and all an awesome rom!!
Re: ROM 5/20 SsS-ROMv0117 WM65(215015070) Rhodium Manila EzInpu

where do i start... Hi :) i guess i should of been over here a little bit quicker :P Thanks every1 for the great feedback. I will continue to keep the ROM as updated as possible. I was aiming for a release tonight, but its not looking that way as of now. ALOT of people were concerned about not being able to use a custom taskbar. When tsowen created the new 6.5 taskbars, i believe it was an early build of 6.5 i.e. (20***). As in the 21501 build, the .dlls that control the icons have been changed and added security has been placed. I have been ripping my hair out trying to make a fix for it as we speak. In v0118, i will be introducing a little spice to the today screen, with a few of ConFlipper and Tsowen's icons from their taskbars. Attached to the post is a few screenshots of what i am talking about. Also coming in v0118, i updated opera it is is now working with flash! (i.e. youtube.com). Also a few edits to manila and the sys and what not. ive been running this new build for a few days and honestly, it has been a dream so far. For people that are exp. any battery life problems, make sure you go into settings/connections, and turn the 'receive all incoming beams' off. That should definitely help. The registry edit has been changed to disable it, thats why it was on by default in previous builds. I have resolved this for future builds. I also read about a problem where people stated that the phone would freeze and have to hard reset? i have personally not ran into this myself. if you could maybe list anything that you had installed on top, i may be able to help find the culprit. Once again thanks everybody for the support and feedback. v0118 soon!



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Re: ROM 5/20 SsS-ROMv0117 WM65(215015070) Rhodium Manila EzInpu

where do i start... Hi :) i guess i should of been over here a little bit quicker :P Thanks every1 for the great feedback. I will continue to keep the ROM as updated as possible. I was aiming for a release tonight, but its not looking that way as of now. ALOT of people were concerned about not being able to use a custom taskbar. When tsowen created the new 6.5 taskbars, i believe it was an early build of 6.5 i.e. (20***). As in the 21501 build, the .dlls that control the icons have been changed and added security has been placed. I have been ripping my hair out trying to make a fix for it as we speak. In v0118, i will be introducing a little spice to the today screen, with a few of ConFlipper and Tsowen's icons from their taskbars. Attached to the post is a few screenshots of what i am talking about. Also coming in v0118, i updated opera it is is now working with flash! (i.e. youtube.com). Also a few edits to manila and the sys and what not. ive been running this new build for a few days and honestly, it has been a dream so far. For people that are exp. any battery life problems, make sure you go into settings/connections, and turn the 'receive all incoming beams' off. That should definitely help. The registry edit has been changed to disable it, thats why it was on by default in previous builds. I have resolved this for future builds. I also read about a problem where people stated that the phone would freeze and have to hard reset? i have personally not ran into this myself. if you could maybe list anything that you had installed on top, i may be able to help find the culprit. Once again thanks everybody for the support and feedback. v0118 soon!


SWEET!!!! thanks for the update and keeping us with the latest :) please send me a pm got a question to ask you.
Re: ROM 5/20 SsS-ROMv0117 WM65(215015070) Rhodium Manila EzInpu

Ok i had a MAJOR problem. I tweeked the new rom and when i did a soft reset, the phone frooze at the initial screen. It would not go past the screen. which is another issue in it's self since i was not at home and out to dinner 50 miles away from home waiting for the group i was eating with to arrive.

long story short i noticed i had d/led the v117 not v117u. so i assume any custumization was BAD for the v117. anyway I'm limped to a friends house and saw new links for v117u and d/led it. i flashed the phone and for the last 45 minutes or so everything is fine.

so i would have to say if anyone is having similar issues as me to make sure you have the lasest rom from the rapidshare link.
Re: ROM 5/20 SsS-ROMv0117 WM65(215015070) Rhodium Manila EzInpu

Some feedback here welll rom is running great i have no issues with freezing or anything like that but my side volume keys stopped working i dont weather its the rom or the phone but will report later if i reflash to something diff.
Re: ROM 5/20 SsS-ROMv0117 WM65(215015070) Rhodium Manila EzInpu

Some feedback here welll rom is running great i have no issues with freezing or anything like that but my side volume keys stopped working i dont weather its the rom or the phone but will report later if i reflash to something diff.

i have the smae troubles and they just dont work hahahhaa
Re: ROM 5/20 SsS-ROMv0117 WM65(215015070) Rhodium Manila EzInpu

Oh well dash guess if the rom good we gonna have to live with it until we find some other rom

hahaha im looking to try out the new star rom but cant get downloaded at work..... just to compare and conbtrast sicne i do like multiple chefs for cerrtain reasons..... jsut waiting on venum to get back with me on the ftp password error im having.
Re: ROM 5/20 SsS-ROMv0117 WM65(215015070) Rhodium Manila EzInpu

Well I found my problem and it was all me as I was backing up text messages and giving the phone alot to load and leave from. New backup without text and hard reset and the rom blazes ;). Driver error good thing is I learned something, thanks.
Re: ROM 5/20 SsS-ROMv0117 WM65(215015070) Rhodium Manila EzInpu

Well I found my problem and it was all me as I was backing up text messages and giving the phone alot to load and leave from. New backup without text and hard reset and the rom blazes ;). Driver error good thing is I learned something, thanks.
hahahah finally posted it huh lmao :noob: just messing bro, glad its all working for you nad are you sure the rom is the only thing blazing?
Re: ROM 5/20 SsS-ROMv0117 WM65(215015070) Rhodium Manila EzInpu

hahahah finally posted it huh lmao :noob: just messing bro, glad its all working for you nad are you sure the rom is the only thing blazing?

Haha I got 5 on it haha ;).......let me tell you what shes crying fo...........cause Im fly...

On topic: I havent had any trouble at all, I installed everything I had before and its moving hasnt slowed down for anything. :yahoo:bubba kush
Re: ROM 5/20 SsS-ROMv0117 WM65(215015070) Rhodium Manila EzInpu

haha i got 5 on it haha ;).......let me tell you what shes crying fo...........cause im fly...

On topic: I havent had any trouble at all, i installed everything i had before and its moving hasnt slowed down for anything. :yahoo:bubba kush
Re: ROM 5/20 SsS-ROMv0117 WM65(215015070) Rhodium Manila EzInpu

I am in need of some help..and I know that I'm not crazy..my touch pro is "unlocked" and I can not flash to this rom. it gives me the error 204 code. please help..thanks