[HTC-PRO2] [11/23/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R4 (21876) [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

Re Re [15/11/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R3 [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

yes main memory and downloaded twice becasue i thought it was bad first time around? will try again

what have you done so far??? besides the arcsoft......i.e. flashed the rom, removed the battery, restarted, ran a clear storage, and after all that, then ran arcsoft?
Re [15/11/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R3 [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

ok so third times the charm it let me install this time, now with phm reg editor I open the sprintmms.zip and it just opens the reg editor does not seem to edit anything, And I do not understant the reg editor that I have I miss resco editor but danm if I can find it.
Re: Re [15/11/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R3 [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

this rom is not for me. initially it was awesome but now it is lagging and hanging too much. Like i barely use my phone but when i needed it the screen was hung and still for about 30 seconds then came back to life. Iit probably is just my device but ill go to check out MM updated rom tonight.
Re: [15/11/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R3 [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

ok looks like I am going for the NEWB of the day award. Thanks so much for that .cab have searched and searched for it. Now when I open the mms.reg it says cannot be opened. I think I need some sleep lol
Re: [15/11/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R3 [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

this rom is not for me. initially it was awesome but now it is lagging and hanging too much. Like i barely use my phone but when i needed it the screen was hung and still for about 30 seconds then came back to life. Iit probably is just my device but ill go to check out MM updated rom tonight.

yeah you will love mighty rom, super stable and super zippy.
Re: [15/11/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R3 [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

ok looks like I am going for the NEWB of the day award. Thanks so much for that .cab have searched and searched for it. Now when I open the mms.reg it says cannot be opened. I think I need some sleep lol

try to take a look at this thread right here if you havent.
Re [15/11/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R3 [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

okay, just found a 4 column cab that works on Juicys Rom R3 and i confirmed this. Found it over on PPC that dmb60614 posted the link to xda that (iridium21)posted. dont know if anybody found it yet, but thought i would share.
Re [11/23/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R4 (21876 [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

updated with newest version

I'm running R3. I can't get mms to work thou. I've tried all the fixes from ppcgeeks, xda, and nothing. I'm most likely going back to stock by the end of the day if I can't get mms to work.

however, R3 is very fast and stable. It's the best version so far, aside from the mms problem.

as a side note the mms fix breaks manila so in the text message tab you have to goto menu or right soft key/ reply to reply. simply taping the message like in stock doesn't work.
Re [11/23/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R4 (21876 [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

Been Running on R3

Things I've noticed:

  • ICS registries reset after every soft reset, have to be changed over again to handle ICS everytime.
  • Messaging
    • Took a while to get MMS working, even with all the patches. But patience and retrying works out. In the end, I used Total Commander and just did the registry edits but had to retry a few times. Ended up NOT changing the names, just the settings.
    • SMS/MMS Slow. Why? The interface loads ALL messages into memory from a thread before allowing you to type, unlike standard that loads only a portion of the thread. This mean you have to clean your threads out regularly or suffer from lag times.
    • Getting "Back" Getting out of a thread, just got to get used to hitting the back arrow on phone instead of a back button on screen
  • Random locking. I've had the phone lock up just completely about twice a day. Still haven't figured out a consistency. Lots of times though its going in or out of messaging
  • I really appreciate the location services. I live in a backwoods area and my weather is supported from the get go.
All in all I really like it, but am dealing with it's oddities.

Is there another mirror? Rapidshare is unnavailable from my work.
Re: Re [11/23/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R4 (21876 [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

Been Running on R3

Things I've noticed:

  • ICS registries reset after every soft reset, have to be changed over again to handle ICS everytime.
  • Messaging
    • Took a while to get MMS working, even with all the patches. But patience and retrying works out. In the end, I used Total Commander and just did the registry edits but had to retry a few times. Ended up NOT changing the names, just the settings.
    • SMS/MMS Slow. Why? The interface loads ALL messages into memory from a thread before allowing you to type, unlike standard that loads only a portion of the thread. This mean you have to clean your threads out regularly or suffer from lag times.
    • Getting "Back" Getting out of a thread, just got to get used to hitting the back arrow on phone instead of a back button on screen
  • Random locking. I've had the phone lock up just completely about twice a day. Still haven't figured out a consistency. Lots of times though its going in or out of messaging
  • I really appreciate the location services. I live in a backwoods area and my weather is supported from the get go.
All in all I really like it, but am dealing with it's oddities.

Is there another mirror? Rapidshare is unnavailable from my work.

no he uses rapidsahre so he can keep track of the downloads that he does get... sorry.
Re [11/23/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R4 (21876 [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

Heres an update. I've been running R4 for about 5 days. After I ironed out the mms issues, the rom is exceptional. However, the mms fix breaks manila 2.5 and you can not send sms messages thru manila, you have to take extra steps to use WM sms. it doesn't sound like such a hassle, until you start texting, then it's a pain in the ass. There is a new arcsoft mms fix out and i think i'll give it a shot just before i flash back to stock.

R4 is great work and overall the rom rocks. it's everything you would think it is and more. My understanding is R5 will take care of the sprint mms problems. i text a lot so the sms issue is a deal breaker for me. I'm going to try the new arcsoft fix and if it breaks manila, i'm back on stock until R5.

--------- New Post Merged on 27/11/2009 at 11:35:14 --------

Nope didn't work. only messed things up even more.

I'm back to stock:mad-tongue: until R5.
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Re: Re [11/23/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R4 (21876 [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

Heres an update. I've been running R4 for about 5 days. After I ironed out the mms issues, the rom is exceptional. However, the mms fix breaks manila 2.5 and you can not send sms messages thru manila, you have to take extra steps to use WM sms. it doesn't sound like such a hassle, until you start texting, then it's a pain in the ass. There is a new arcsoft mms fix out and i think i'll give it a shot just before i flash back to stock.

R4 is great work and overall the rom rocks. it's everything you would think it is and more. My understanding is R5 will take care of the sprint mms problems. i text a lot so the sms issue is a deal breaker for me. I'm going to try the new arcsoft fix and if it breaks manila, i'm back on stock until R5.

--------- New Post Merged on 27/11/2009 at 11:35:14 --------

Nope didn't work. only messed things up even more.

I'm back to stock:mad-tongue: until R5.

going back to stock huh? why not stay 6.5 with the mightyrom? or arent you a fan of the senseui? or you running one of the probey themes like me and had to go back to stock?
Re Re [11/23/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R4 (21876 [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

going back to stock huh? why not stay 6.5 with the mightyrom? or arent you a fan of the senseui? or you running one of the probey themes like me and had to go back to stock?

i'm all about some senseui. I think the UI is awesome and the eyecandy has a purpose. i'm @n@l about the functionality and if something is supposed to work, then D@m* it, it should. I'd have stayed with R4 if the manila sms was working. it was a difficult desicion. but in the end, for me, its all about not using a stylus and being able to use my phone to the highest end of function. I do admit the phone lagged with weather anamation, but with the regular animated homescreen everything was snappy. I will definalty flash R5 if the mms is fixed.

as far as mighty rom................well.................in the past i've been a fan. but the TP2 rom program icons and background wallpaper doesn't really do it for me. I'm not a hollister or abercrombie fan. when i see the rom, thats what comes to my mind. Now, if he used something more industrial, like say N.I.N., Hemsa, Rammstien, In Flames then I'd be all over it. But I don't think that would appeal to the masses. But I could use the icon changer and fix that.

But enough of my rants, back to fighting with Jack Daniels.

--------- New Post Merged on 28/11/2009 at 06:07:56 --------

R5 is out..............and yes, I'm diving on the nade and downloading now. yes, i'm going to flash and check in later if the mms is fixed. if it is, i'll be on R5 for a while.
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