Beef Thread

hahaha i smell a new award!!! how long till its official? i have seen this cat the whole time i have been part of this community and i havent seen anything slightly productive from the dude... just leeching and dumb questions after dumb question so on and so fourth...

Im glad i wasnt the only that felt this way... i am sure there are many others that will speak the same, but in any case, through all the noobish Bull SH*T questions and what not, we still give the support. Point being when we ask you to follow the rules, you should not give an attitude.... Like I said, lucky I am not the owner
Im glad i wasnt the only that felt this way... i am sure there are many others that will speak the same, but in any case, through all the noobish Bull SH*T questions and what not, we still give the support. Point being when we ask you to follow the rules, you should not give an attitude.... Like I said, lucky I am not the owner

hahaha sucks to mess with the asshole of the month if he happens to be the owner also, i feel ya

i dont mind the questions (even though they are a lot) thats what im here for so ill support no problem, but a useful post here or there would be nice
my BEEF is that I've been here now for a little over five months and still feel like such a NOOB!!! I think I have learned ALOT, but still feel sooooo stupid when I ask questions!!!! and I apologize to any staff member that (if ever) I have upset b/c of those questions. and NOW my touch 6900 came today, so what I have learned thus far, I feel like is going down the drain, and I'm starting all over again!!! GAH!!!!

my BEEF is that I've been here now for a little over five months and still feel like such a NOOB!!! I think I have learned ALOT, but still feel sooooo stupid when I ask questions!!!! and I apologize to any staff member that (if ever) I have upset b/c of those questions. and NOW my touch 6900 came today, so what I have learned thus far, I feel like is going down the drain, and I'm starting all over again!!! GAH!!!!


Everybodys still kind of gotta NOOB side here there are things that everybody dont know but were here to help and answer your questions but we love to help:yahoo:
yea, every body has a noobish side (specially me in the PC department... ask weesje lol) but as long as you are reading and actually trying to figure things out, no one minds the questions. what does bother the staff is that people get lazy and ask questions already answered many many times, without lifting a finger to attempt to search (perfect example... the diamond config tool and tf3d themes argh!!!)
yeah noob sides are definately huge when it comes to working with ppc or even pc. like i can do millions of changes to a ppc to increase battery life make them go faster and all that but i can't make a rom for shit. on a pc i can make a pc do just about anything i can get any program for the pc but i can't make programs for shit. its just a matter of what you take the time to learn and how far you take into learning them
thanks to all you guys for the kind words, and it makes me feel alot better about it now. I mean I admit I'm an AMJ Junkie, completely. So I guess the longer I stick with it, the better I will get and learn!!!!
i still consider myself a noob also, i learn new things about windows mobile everyday.... whn it comes to pc's i know the hacking basics and some writing and thats about it.
i still consider myself a noob also, i learn new things about windows mobile everyday.... whn it comes to pc's i know the hacking basics and some writing and thats about it.

UMMM, YEAH RIGHT!!!!!!!!!! DASHY A NOOB..........PLEASE?????????

NICE OF YOU TO SAY, but I don't think so Dashy, good try!!!!!!!! ROFLMAO!!!!!!

I mean I know NOONE Knows it All, but I think you are wayyyyy past the "Noob Stage"!!!!!!
UMMM, YEAH RIGHT!!!!!!!!!! DASHY A NOOB..........PLEASE?????????

NICE OF YOU TO SAY, but I don't think so Dashy, good try!!!!!!!! ROFLMAO!!!!!!

I mean I know NOONE Knows it All, but I think you are wayyyyy past the "Noob Stage"!!!!!!

i really still do consider myself a noob in all honesty..... i want to learn how to build a better rom since almost all of mine have turned out pretty badly..... i still learn new things about programming for these puppies all the time also now that i have the guidance from my teacher at the local community college :> you were def. right on the one person not being able to learn it all since that is sooooooo true...... i just look at it this way, learn and teach what you enjoy and dont do something that you dont..... theres jsut sooooo many tihigns you could be doing that you enjoy so why waste the time on things that you dont like to do...
Preach Dash... Preach!

now back on to topic....

You know who I got beef with...? Sprint!! I mean no its not a legitimate beef but so what... those bastards wont give me a touch pro... or even a diamond.... Son of a .... *sighs* but I digress...
I now have an even BIGGER beef with UPS!!!!

thos sons of b*tches didnt deliver my Touch Pro today neither!!!!!!

I called early today and they said that they should deliver today, and i call again cuz it hasnt arrived and now they say that its sceduled for tomorrow!!!!! I hard resetted my mogul yesterday thinking it would arrive but now im stuck with it stock......

I want my g*d d/\mn pro already!!!!

~~~rant over~~~
I now have an even BIGGER beef with UPS!!!!

thos sons of b*tches didnt deliver my Touch Pro today neither!!!!!!

I called early today and they said that they should deliver today, and i call again cuz it hasnt arrived and now they say that its sceduled for tomorrow!!!!! I hard resetted my mogul yesterday thinking it would arrive but now im stuck with it stock......

I want my g*d d/\mn pro already!!!!

~~~rant over~~~

If that aint the biggest crock of sh*t ......Damn that blows....Mike dont feel bad.. i once called UPS and told them to leave a package at their warehouse so i can pic it up on my lunch break. So right before i leave i say you know what, UPS is 40mins away, let me call to make sure its at the warehouse. So i called, and they said dont worry its at the warehouse...drove the 40mins to the warehouse..waited 25 more mins while there tracking the package for them to tell me its on the truck being delivered to my house where no one could sign for it. I was soooo HEATED! Dont feel bad... tomorrow is another day papa!
I got beef wit woman who want to take away props from fathers day when our ONE DAY!! we get recognized they still want to slip in and say something to DEEECREDIT any thing that we do to make sure we dont forget t that the other 364 days is thers, really pisses me off, please woman fall back, i am a good father and i dont want to hear anything that brings down any father that day just let the day go through smooth because that is negative energy towards some of us fathers that would like to bask in our 24 hour struggled glory that will end in a quick second then its back to tending to the woman that we all love, lol!!, no hard fealings though.
I got beef wit woman who want to take away props from fathers day when our ONE DAY!! we get recognized they still want to slip in and say something to DEEECREDIT any thing that we do to make sure we dont forget t that the other 364 days is thers, really pisses me off, please woman fall back, i am a good father and i dont want to hear anything that brings down any father that day just let the day go through smooth because that is negative energy towards some of us fathers that would like to bask in our 24 hour struggled glory that will end in a quick second then its back to tending to the woman that we all love, lol!!, no hard fealings though.

i totaly agree...we can be real jerks sometimes...not me special. lol
I have beef with men thinking you have to be a size negative 0 & 8 feet tall to be beautiful!!!! REAL women have MEAT dammit & CURVES are beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!! And being short has its advantages!!!! *drops my mic*, so sicka y'all!!!

oh yeah i loves me a nice booty. (and thats a def yes on the short women ^^.

totaly agree with you there girl!! lol finally i have some back up on this mugg!!! great to have you back! :thumb:
okay girls, i dont think MEN like 0 size women. those skinny models are for kids and their bathroom time alone.... we MEN love curves and ass! and i think short women are more attractive than tall women, after all a women are supposed to look fragile. then again, there are some beautiful TALL women...