Beef Thread

I have beef with men thinking you have to be a size negative 0 & 8 feet tall to be beautiful!!!! REAL women have MEAT dammit & CURVES are beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!! And being short has its advantages!!!! *drops my mic*, so sicka y'all!!!

okay girls, i dont think MEN like 0 size women. those skinny models are for kids and their bathroom time alone.... we MEN love curves and ass! and i think short women are more attractive than tall women, after all a women are supposed to look fragile. then again, there are some beautiful TALL women...

i have to agree, my women have to have the curves like my girl aunesti and daisy :> no curves than its a no go.... i dont like the skinny woman or the tall ones either, i like them shorter (im only 5-11) and with the curves baby!! hahahahahhahahahaha
I'm getting sick of seeing that iPieceofS*** on tv.... I wish they'd make a commercial that said

If you want to waste your money on a stupid piece crap, theres an app for that.

thats the only reason they ar popular.... think if windows mobile actually promoted their phones ion tv they would be selling the same way... windows sells itself and does a pretty damn good job of it too if you ask me.
i had beef the other night, prime rib to be exact, the bastards overcooked it so i sent it back!

I can name some BEEF for ya, but 1st I wanna AGREE with Simplyput on the meat and Curves response. I used to like skinny Bi$##s until I found me a REAL woman, I WILL NEVER GO BACK! Gotta have something to work with and I DONT wanna be rubbing on your bones feeling like I'm bout to break ur ribs. .

My BEEF is wit all the sorry as baby mamma's out there who don't put their child 1st before their own selfish wants/needs! I am a single father to my beautiful daughter who is 4 yrs old and DONT even know her mom because she's to wrapped in herself. I have BEEF with the damn system too! I have filed for child support, I have spent countless hours getting full custody of her and going to court ( MOM didn't show up ) and STILL I get nothing but excuses and run around! If it was me, I would be burried up to my neck in child support and wouldn't have a liscense etc etc, you know the drill. BUT SHE gets away with it, thats BS! I changed all the diapers, I made the Dr. appoinments, I got her shots, I did and still do EVERYTHING, but mom can get away with murder and child neglect and many other things I wont mention. But I don't even want child support from her, I don't ever want to see her or get anything from her ever, but it's the principle that PISSES ME OFF!!!!! If that's what it takes to never have to deal with her then I will say it's worth it. But I feel bad it's not my daughter's fault, it's not fair to her. My BEEF is to ANY dead beat parent, you need to step up and be a man/woman, the child didn't choose to be here, anyone can make a child. . .takes a man/woman to raise one! That's all I'm saying. .
This might sound dumb as shit but I have a problem with the Ohio laws about Maryjane. And before anyone thinks what I about to say is bullshit......research and shut the hell up.

Ohio needs med. MJ laws like alot of other states. I hate being told that I have to take chemically made meds to fix something that a puff or two cures. I hate the fact that the baby boomers dad's that are still in office think that they know what is best for me and mine. Its not an issue about health for these assholes is about whos in whos pocketbook.

Fu*k them, fu*k those whom judge me, fu*k the bureaucrats who betray us, fu*k the media for lying to us, and fu*k the FDA/DEA/War on drugs. Start spending the tax dollars on the real "For the people, by the people" of this country and worry about the real matters at hand.

Assholes, I gave years of my life serving the country(U.S. Army) not for you to tell me what I can do!!!

Ok, I feel better now.
Ah shit now this is my kind of thread haha..............Ive read the last few pages and have to add that. Women with meat and curves ftmfw hands down, shake that ass :) . I have no children and probably wont :( but I agree that it should be the same on both sides of the fence. Maryjane, that has got to be one of the dumbest things ever, its a weed it grows wild. That may be its down fall as there is no way to have it legal and the government make money on it, hell its a weed. "sand soil and water is all your going to need, it doesnt take a miracle to cultivcate a weed" mike west. Watch marijuana inc.,hell the cash they spend on trying to stop it could feed the hungry in America. I could go on......and just might haha.
Jahovah witness or any other person that feels the need to push their holyness on me can take a hike. Bottom line Ill live my life the best I can and try to be the best person I can if there is a judgement day then let me be judged.

All my friends have iphones and Im still a noob and they end up showing me up damn it. Ill get there but shit pisses me of. "You have video ring tones?" no I usually and the phone when it rings not watch a video. Also not having more time to be here on AMJ learning the shit I need to to show these fools whats up haha.

"u*k them, fu*k those whom judge me, fu*k the bureaucrats who betray us, fu*k the media for lying to us, and fu*k the FDA/DEA/War on drugs. Start spending the tax dollars on the real "For the people, by the people" of this country and worry about the real matters at hand."
I agree 100% bro and would like to say thanks to you and everyone else that has served,serves or died serving this country. Put that shit in the air ;).

I hate the fact that when I need something fixed like my a/c or water heater or anything that I cant do myself I end up calling a technician and not a politician. So I ask myself what would I ever need with a politician? I say ****em haha.

robp23 if your ever in southwest missouri look me up.
Ah shit now this is my kind of thread haha..............Ive read the last few pages and have to add that. Women with meat and curves ftmfw hands down, shake that ass :) . I have no children and probably wont :( but I agree that it should be the same on both sides of the fence. Maryjane, that has got to be one of the dumbest things ever, its a weed it grows wild. That may be its down fall as there is no way to have it legal and the government make money on it, hell its a weed. "sand soil and water is all your going to need, it doesnt take a miracle to cultivcate a weed" mike west. Watch marijuana inc.,hell the cash they spend on trying to stop it could feed the hungry in America. I could go on......and just might haha.
Jahovah witness or any other person that feels the need to push their holyness on me can take a hike. Bottom line Ill live my life the best I can and try to be the best person I can if there is a judgement day then let me be judged.

All my friends have iphones and Im still a noob and they end up showing me up damn it. Ill get there but shit pisses me of. "You have video ring tones?" no I usually and the phone when it rings not watch a video. Also not having more time to be here on AMJ learning the shit I need to to show these fools whats up haha.

"u*k them, fu*k those whom judge me, fu*k the bureaucrats who betray us, fu*k the media for lying to us, and fu*k the FDA/DEA/War on drugs. Start spending the tax dollars on the real "For the people, by the people" of this country and worry about the real matters at hand."
I agree 100% bro and would like to say thanks to you and everyone else that has served,serves or died serving this country. Put that shit in the air ;).

I hate the fact that when I need something fixed like my a/c or water heater or anything that I cant do myself I end up calling a technician and not a politician. So I ask myself what would I ever need with a politician? I say ****em haha.

robp23 if your ever in southwest missouri look me up.

hahahahhahahaahah i love your rants smurf :) thats ****ing awesome and im gonna smoke a bowl right now at work in celebration of a speech well done :weed:
The smoke fairy visit you today haha.

To stay on topic I have a shit load to ***** about haha.
Heres one that bugs the shit out of me, I have a house that Im paying on nothing fancy. I cost 94k which isnt bad but we all know that the cost is almost 3 times that once the interest and house is paid off also depending on your rate/gredit score blah blah blah. Ok so I can live with that cause once its paid off its mine right? Well if I dont pay property tax for a few years then the powers that be can somehow come and take your shit. Thats even after paying 3 times what the house was on the market for, per the interest. Here in misery we have personal property tax which means they can do the samething with boats, cars, trailer and Im sure livestock. Just pisses me off that no matter how hard I work in the end I dont own shit. AAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhh the devils lettuce is calling me.
The smoke fairy visit you today haha.

To stay on topic I have a shit load to ***** about haha.
Heres one that bugs the shit out of me, I have a house that Im paying on nothing fancy. I cost 94k which isnt bad but we all know that the cost is almost 3 times that once the interest and house is paid off also depending on your rate/gredit score blah blah blah. Ok so I can live with that cause once its paid off its mine right? Well if I dont pay property tax for a few years then the powers that be can somehow come and take your shit. Thats even after paying 3 times what the house was on the market for, per the interest. Here in misery we have personal property tax which means they can do the samething with boats, cars, trailer and Im sure livestock. Just pisses me off that no matter how hard I work in the end I dont own shit. AAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhh the devils lettuce is calling me.

hahahahahahthe devils lettuce is awesome and had to try some just about 30 minutes ago :) and yes she visited and i love her for it :) expect a visit soon too by thursday latest :) gonna mail out tomorrow.
I just wanted to say f*** everybody at this site!!! i hate you guys with a passion.. you guys are the reason i spent a couple hun on a ppc and the reason why i stay up late at night flashing rom after rom after rom...ect..... So yes i have beef with AMJ!!!.... lol j/k
Might have to one day. Maybe I visit Ft. LW while Im there too. Ok, so fu@k Ft. LW that place already took enough years of my

But, next time I'm in Missouri I will surely look ya up Ill buy the beer to.

damn hopefully ill bedown at the same time and we can all chill :)

I just wanted to say f*** everybody at this site!!! i hate you guys with a passion.. you guys are the reason i spent a couple hun on a ppc and the reason why i stay up late at night flashing rom after rom after rom...ect..... So yes i have beef with AMJ!!!.... lol j/k

hhahah i was about to be like damn son hate us lmao and i have beef with myself and elboriyorker for making this place hahahaa