[HTC-PRO] Black Dragon Titanium Rom 23420 is up! (09/30/09) {UC}


ADMIN-Watch what you say!

classic 6.5 SYS in 23017 in post 2

classic 6.5 SYS in 23017 in post 2

I will attempt to provided the latest builds so all you flashing junkies who live on the edge watch this space!

There are bugs that i may not be able to fix, feel free to post them but realize there may not be a solution at the moment until Microsoft fixes things.

Make sure your phone is unlocked first, see here

First things first, i am NOT a chef. This rom is only possible because of the amazing developers on this site, xda and edtp. Thanks to Indagroove for your awesome kitchen, Calkulin for some oems and jdmleepr for your support and for testing for me,
I have created and pre-configured many packages for this kitchen, please report any bugs you find.

DomSim Black Dragon
^Click to Download^






Updated 09/30/09

well back to com4 branch, was a small issue with this and the 23060 builds that leaked which was fixed using a gwes.exe from older builds. anyhow not much changed in this build other than being a newer code base. most of the new stuff is my own additions! helped make a new taskbar cdma compatable but it is still missing a few icons will release a hot fix when 100% finished. i removed icontact as the com4 branch has a new contact manager, it looks good but may still be a tiny bit buggy. rest of the updates are below, enjoy.

4 Row Start Menu - 6.5 
Advanced Configuration Tool 3.3 
ATContacts .98 
Badboy8813 Audio Fix (full volume) 
Bing Search 
Black Dragon Dialer 
Black Dragon Theme 
Brians BWTaskBar 
EzInput_Merdinh Black 
FdcSoft Task Manager 3.1 
File As First Last 
Games - Chess 
Games - Freecell 
Games - Hearts 
Google Maps 3.2.1 
Google Search 
HTC Calculator 1.0.1822.4128 
JmzD3D 0_0_0_0 
Media Player Skin 
Menu Enhancement - Black 
Opera Mobile 9.5.16983 
PHM Registry Editor 0.70 
Phone - In Call Recorder 1.0.1821.2426 
Pocket RAR 3.8 
reStart Glass Icons 
Shake and Save 
Shawaco Opera Panel 
Stock Dialer - Black 
TaskFacade 4 
Titanium Weather 4.2 
Topaz Comm Manager - Custom 
Total Commander 
Touch InCall Screen Tweak 1.1.3 
Transparent TaskMan

few things of note here,

HTC Tack Manager is there but the icon is invisible so it doesnt overlay on the clock

32Mb PP

SpinLock patched system

Dredsensor is a hardkey changer preset with;
double tap (not click!) home button closes most apps running in the background and returns to the home screen (thanks jdmsleepr for this)
long press of the home button refreshes the today screen (useful if the titanium rotation bug pops up)
click of the back button launches Taskfacade
long press of the send key launches TorchButton
double tap (not click!) of end key simulates "ok" button
all other keys function normally

Lumos is preset with good values, this replaces the htc backlight manager

NueBacklight light is preconfigured to keep the keyboard light on

Black Highlights and icons in Topaz Comm Manager
My Black Dragon Theme and Tachi Dialer are Pre-loaded

Right now this is sprint only but you can install different carrier cabs from here

enlarged softkey bar sometimes covers parts of the window you are working in
full screen apps can cover the softkey bar covering the "x" button to close apps
"x" button only minimizes apps

double tap (not click!) home key will close most background apps since the "x" button doesnt close them
utilize taskfacade to task manage running programs

DomSim Black Dragon Classic

^Click To Download^
please leave feedback




Make sure your phone is unlocked first, see here

First things first, i am NOT a chef. This rom is only possible because of the amazing developers on this site, xda and edtp. Thanks to Indagroove for your awesome kitchen, Calkulin for some oems and JDMSleepr for your support and for testing for me,
I have created and pre-configured many packages for this kitchen, please report any bugs you find.

32Mb PP
cleartemp is preconfigured to clean on each soft reset
Dredsensor is preset with long press to home button closes most apps running in the background and returns to the home screen (thanks jdmsleepr for this), double tap (not click!) of the home button refreshes the today screen (useful if the titanium rotation bug pops up) click of the back button launches Taskfacade, long press of the send key launches TorchButton, all other keys function normally
Lumos is preset with good values
Custom Topaz notification manager with all black highlights
NueKeyboard light is preconfigured
Black Highlights and icons in Topaz Comm Manager
My Black Dragon Theme and Tachi Dialer are Pre-loaded

Right now this is sprint only but you can install different carrier cabs from here[/LEFT]

Updated 8/16/09:

Updated GoogleMaps to 3.2
Skinned scroll bars
Changed start, "x" and ok icons
Changed icons in Comm Manager, thanks JDMSleepr
Fixed SafeInboxExtender
Mapped Long Press of end key to toggle data connection
Enabled rotation in Opera
Removed MusicID because its, unbeknown to me, a pay app
included in this rom,

Applications - Advanced Configuration Tool 3.3
Applications - ClearTemp
Applications - Dredsensor
Applications - Facebook_v1.0.0.7
Applications - FdcSoft Task Manager 3.1
Applications - File Explorer Extension 2.05
Applications - HTC Calculator 1.0.1822.4128
Applications - iContact
Applications - Lumos
Applications - PHM Registry Editor 0.70
Applications - Pocket RAR 3.8
Applications - Selboriyorker Screenshot
Applications - TaskFacade 4
Applications - Topaz Notification Manager - Black
Applications - Touch Response 0.3.2
Applications - TorchButton
Applications - Touch Incall Screen Tweak
Applications System - Safe Inbox Extender
Applications System - Task Manager 2.1.37655.1
Applications System - Wi-Fi Internet Sharing
ATContacts shortcut
Attachment Fix
Battery - Rapid Charge
Carrier - Sprint
D3D Drivers
EzInput_Merdinh Black
File As First Last
Games - Chess
Games - Freecell
Games - Hearts
Navigation - Google Maps
Phone - In Call Recorder 1.0.1821.2426
Phone Call Log - Black
reStart Glass Icons
Skins - Menu Enhancement - Black
Topaz Comm Manager - Custom
Total Commander
Tweaks - 3 Row SMS Input
Tweaks - Battery Cabs
Tweaks - Registry
Tweaks - Start Menu - 4 Row Start Menu - 6.5
Badboy8813 Audio Fix (full volume)
Dragon Dialer
Dragon Theme
Shawaco Opera Panel
Titanium Weather 3.1
TsOwen Taskbar

HotFix 4

fixes changing notifications and background bug.
install and softreset



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Re: Black Dragon Titanium Rom (8/13/09) [23017] UC

My first review..

The ROM is ok, Kinda buggy but I like it. There are some apps that I haven't been able to play with, so as you know I'm still playing with it. I'd give this a 8 out of 10.

You should try this ROM out for yourself.

--------- New Post Merged on 21/8/2009 at 08:08:57 --------

I'm going to try this ROM out as soon as I get home.

I forgot to add that when you close out of a text convo the phone freezes..
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Re: Black Dragon Titanium Rom (8/13/09) [23017] UC

can some one do a full review for me and other members here? i would like to know how the battrey life is, and other bugs, but mostly the bat life... closeing a texts conv. has been stated it locks up. im just wondering if there is anything other then that.. right now im running a star rom 2.0 and it's time for a change.. i'm really liken the dragon theme u got going on this rom. well let me and the others know how it runs. thanks
Re: Black Dragon Titanium Rom (8/13/09) [23017] UC

ok i just went to pccgeeks and read all 12 pages on the rom it has a really good review but does not say any were in the thread a full review on it just bugs and the bugs that r fixed. i might go ahead and flash to this and give a review. but before i do, i have pimbackup witch backs up a couple things, but i used to have a reg. back up as well but i lost it after i flashed and dont remember what it's called. i guess ill do what i did on the starroms with the reviews.

--------- New Post Merged on 22/8/2009 at 01:22:14 --------

also the rom is 23031 now it has been updated
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Re: Black Dragon Titanium Rom (8/13/09) [23017] UC

ok i just went to pccgeeks and read all 12 pages on the rom it has a really good review but does not say any were in the thread a full review on it just bugs and the bugs that r fixed. i might go ahead and flash to this and give a review. but before i do, i have pimbackup witch backs up a couple things, but i used to have a reg. back up as well but i lost it after i flashed and dont remember what it's called. i guess ill do what i did on the starroms with the reviews.

--------- New Post Merged on 22/8/2009 at 01:22:14 --------

also the rom is 23031 now it has been updated

i or another staff member will get the newest version added.... just going to catch up from my day off yesterday since i was stuck in the hospital again
Re: Black Dragon Titanium Rom (8/13/09) [23017] UC

ok after my last post i went over to pccgeeks and downloaded the new update. i really have to say this is a vary nice rom. all of the skins for everything look great. unlike the starrom 2.0 how the opra link on the today screen didn't work it works great on this rom . plus he has added a couple more tabs for IE and other things. im still running through everything he has packed in this rom. right now im running wifi router he has build into the rom and it runs great and vary fast compared to usb internet sharing. after flash i was unpacking my stuff i use apps and other things, dam u know what when i was unpacking pimbackup it took 40 mins none stop just to unpack everything.. lol.. that was frustrating it took so long but i have so much stuff lol. why i was doing everything i had the media player running the hole time and i have to say the bat life is good not the best but vary good. i think i may have to tweak it a lil more then what he has done because the way i use my phone what he did wont cute it.... don't get me wronge i had to do the same thing with the starrom 2.0.. also all the icons in the start menu work..

ok now the texting problem that was stated about locking up does not happen i have been texting and closing it with no problems.

1.start up takes a lil long. well it it's ok for me but most people don't like that.
2.it has icontacts. it has all my calls in the call log but when i added all my contacts they r not there. i'm going to try to uninstall it and put atcontacts and see if that fixs the problem. just not sure whats going on because all the names r in the call log and when my wife called it shows her name and pic but when i look for her name its not there.
3.the icons r nothin really new for me i had them sense starrom because i put them there. the only new 1 is the start icon. it's a lil busy but its ok he should have done the same dragon as the theme.

well sense i just flashed thats all i got for now after a few days of running it and working with everything and seeing how everything runs. i'll update my review.

--------- New Post Merged on 23/8/2009 at 12:28:53 --------

ok i have found a new problem when using the wifi router for a long time for a couple hours or so the bat heats up so much u can't charge when so hot. also when the bat gets down to 20% every sec it drops 1% in the bat. other then that not to sure yet.

o ya icontacts when u upload ur contacts it will not show in in icontacts . the fix for it "file exsplore/windows/ go down till u get to allcontacts.dl and delete it. now open icontacts and all ur contacts will be there.
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Re: Black Dragon Titanium Rom 23034 New UI Changes (8/22/09) UC

will this ROM help me with my pic text? I am having problems with sending pic text. its taking me days... I am dire need!
Re: Black Dragon Titanium Rom 23034 New UI Changes (8/22/09) UC

will this ROM help me with my pic text? I am having problems with sending pic text. its taking me days... I am dire need!

yes u can i just sent my wife a pic to make sure.

--------- New Post Merged on 23/8/2009 at 09:46:41 --------

ok after a full charge i unpluged it this morning when i got up from 100% it droped too 88% in about 5 mins all i did was mess around with the google maps and turn on the wifi router. now that i have been using the wifi router for about 10 mins now it went from 88% too 78%. i hav all the tweaks for the bat instaled also i have the screen all the dim for power save and it does not power save.

this is a great rom and vary fast and with vary lil problems. this rom needs an update with all the bat tweaks and hacks instaled in the rom before release and then this rom would be perfect. just wondering could some one from here talk with him about that because this a stable rom and vary good for daily use just needs some bat work done to it.

--------- New Post Merged on 23/8/2009 at 10:46:16 --------

ok i found this in the reg. and this need to be changed..

"PollInterval"=dword:4E20 (hex) or 1250 (decimal) <---change too 20000
Default is 5000 (decimal)

thats probely why the battery goes down so fast. but im not sure. i changed mine too 20000 and i'll let u know if it helps any it should.

--------- New Post Merged on 23/8/2009 at 11:12:15 --------

i have also changed this in the reg. all these reg. edits r from xda.

1. HKLM\Comm\AsyncMac1\Parms\DisablePowerManagement
Change Dword value from 1 (default) to 0

2. HKLMComm\Irsir1\Parms\DisablePowerManagement
Change Dword value from 1 (default) to 0 i cant seem to find this on my dash or shadow

3. HKLM\Comm\PPTP1\Parms\DisablePowerManagement
Change Dword value from 1 (default) to 0

4. HKLM\Comm\L2TP1\Parms\DisablePowerManagement
Change Dword value from 1 (default) to 0

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\SDCARD\ClientDrivers\Cl ***\SDMemory_Class]
"DisablePowerManagement" = dword : 00000000

ok these edits u can go to the reg. edit and do it that way or u can go to the advanced config and go to proformances and chang it that way as well
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Re: Black Dragon Titanium Rom 23034 New UI Changes (8/22/09) UC

yes u can i just sent my wife a pic to make sure.

--------- New Post Merged on 23/8/2009 at 09:46:41 --------

ok after a full charge i unpluged it this morning when i got up from 100% it droped too 88% in about 5 mins all i did was mess around with the google maps and turn on the wifi router. now that i have been using the wifi router for about 10 mins now it went from 88% too 78%. i hav all the tweaks for the bat instaled also i have the screen all the dim for power save and it does not power save.

this is a great rom and vary fast and with vary lil problems. this rom needs an update with all the bat tweaks and hacks instaled in the rom before release and then this rom would be perfect. just wondering could some one from here talk with him about that because this a stable rom and vary good for daily use just needs some bat work done to it.

--------- New Post Merged on 23/8/2009 at 10:46:16 --------

ok i found this in the reg. and this need to be changed..

"PollInterval"=dword:4E20 (hex) or 1250 (decimal) <---change too 20000
Default is 5000 (decimal)

thats probely why the battery goes down so fast. but im not sure. i changed mine too 20000 and i'll let u know if it helps any it should.

--------- New Post Merged on 23/8/2009 at 11:12:15 --------

i have also changed this in the reg. all these reg. edits r from xda.

1. HKLM\Comm\AsyncMac1\Parms\DisablePowerManagement
Change Dword value from 1 (default) to 0

2. HKLMComm\Irsir1\Parms\DisablePowerManagement
Change Dword value from 1 (default) to 0 i cant seem to find this on my dash or shadow

3. HKLM\Comm\PPTP1\Parms\DisablePowerManagement
Change Dword value from 1 (default) to 0

4. HKLM\Comm\L2TP1\Parms\DisablePowerManagement
Change Dword value from 1 (default) to 0

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\SDCARD\ClientDrivers\Cl ***\SDMemory_Class]
"DisablePowerManagement" = dword : 00000000

ok these edits u can go to the reg. edit and do it that way or u can go to the advanced config and go to proformances and chang it that way as well

have you noticed any change after all of those hacks that were applied.
Re: Black Dragon Titanium Rom 23034 New UI Changes (8/22/09) UC

yes i have but still to soon to say. it's going much slower now with the battery going down. i will let u know once i have a full charge. really only then could i give a correct response to that. but for now yes it is.

--------- New Post Merged on 23/8/2009 at 06:01:43 --------

ok i just seen as i was going through everything, i must have flashed right before he updated to 3034 because im running 3017. ok... 3017 is an great rom and now that ive been running it sense yesterday battery life really bits. as i said i would reply to ur question when my battery was charged. yes all the reg.edits/hacks for the battery i did help a lil but there is something always pulling power because as soon i took it off it took a plug, not as fast though but still plunged. i will be updating too the 3034 tonight or in the morning and i do as i did with this 1 and tell u what i think.

--------- New Post Merged on 24/8/2009 at 02:37:05 --------

yo dash im still tring to download the new rom 3034. as i am waiting i tried something else. i went into the windows file/startup/and deleted dredsensor, lomus, and taskfacade 4 and the soft reseted and all the hacks for the battery and everything else is working now really well. im still going to flash 3034 if i can get a good download. could someone make a mirror for because as im download half way through it stops and and i can't get t to finish. it pissing me off but im making do. thank u if someone can do that.
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Re: Black Dragon Titanium Rom (8/13/09) [23017] UC

Dash thanks for updating.... i just saw a new version and seen you posted it already... still no lappy, but get on when i can... more bad news.. we'll talk later.