Garmin Mobile XT 4.20.30w

yo dash i aint trying to triple post but you think you know wats wrong on why i cant get the unlock code installed or it to connect to gps it makes it seem like i have to connect to another gps device for it to work.

bro i dont use this so i have no clue.... i use sprint navigation.
bro i dont use this so i have no clue.... i use sprint navigation.

oh my bad. thanks though bro. dang wat happen to will or the other people that use this?

also is the sprint navagtion worth wat the extra $10 a month to use or wat? cuz im trying to get this set up since its free. not trying to have another like charge on my phone if i can have the same function for free
oh my bad. thanks though bro. dang wat happen to will or the other people that use this?

also is the sprint navagtion worth wat the extra $10 a month to use or wat? cuz im trying to get this set up since its free. not trying to have another like charge on my phone if i can have the same function for free

yeah but i get mine for free.
yeah but i get mine for free.

how u manage that and how much is it usually and would u pay the price if u didnt get it for free? im jw. im not trying to get off topic just asking real quick and hopin sum1 who knows this program will come in and help me
how u manage that and how much is it usually and would u pay the price if u didnt get it for free? im jw. im not trying to get off topic just asking real quick and hopin sum1 who knows this program will come in and help me

yes i would pay it i love it but this is for garmin lets keep it there.......
ok well looks like that worked. . .but now i gotta install the other files the voice and maps. that goes into the storage card 2 correct?


ok i installed the other 2 things and idk if it installed or not and than i ddi the keygen and put it in the folder and dont seem like it worked it still ask to begin trial. also it wont pick up gps. it says i need to connect to like another garmin gps device!?

im not trying to get off topic just asking real quick and hopin sum1 who knows this program will come in and help me
i have been trying to help you. Most of the problems you are having have been discussed in this thread or in the other one.

OK you installed all three files to the storage card? I am going to assume that you did. Use wordpad and copy the serial from the keygen into the file, and then click SAVE AS. In the save as box second from the bottom is a save as type box. Change it from Text Documents to All Files. Save the file as sw.unl. If you do not change the file type you end up with sw.unl.txt and that wont work.

Also how bout tapping the Thanks Button. Your profile says you have never used the Thanks button.
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Thanks works GREAT!!!!!!! All the info in this thread worked like a charm. Just read through it and you can install it just fine. Nowtime to work on maps.:yahoo:

Just one Question: I think i did everything right. When i go to subscription staus it say free subscription, should it say somthing else or did i unlock it right?

Nevermind just answered my own ?. I deleted the sw.unl file and it prompted me to purchase, when i put the file back in it the purchase screen was not there.
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where can i find the 'GarminMobileXTSupportFiles_4xxxx.exe' for voice files.
and where is also 'GarminMobileXTFreeBasemap_4xxxx.exe' for Garmin's base map.?
i already got it thx anyways now i just need the maps since everytime i open garmin nav it only shows me the highways and when i click on home or addresses and the other ones it says:
"Detail maps are required to use this feature. Visit for more information"
alright here is the situation I really need help. I have installed this and could never get it to connect to the gps and it sits there scanning the bluetooth and then the attached. I am using the 6.1 sprint rom with internal gps built in. I don't know why it won't go passed this screen but it just will not. Any help would be appreciated. by the way I am using 4.20.20 but this is the only thread that is still alive

the error message I get is (unable to locate garmin gps device. connect to other gps devices?
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alright here is the situation I really need help. I have installed this and could never get it to connect to the gps and it sits there scanning the bluetooth and then the attached. I am using the 6.1 sprint rom with internal gps built in. I don't know why it won't go passed this screen but it just will not. Any help would be appreciated. by the way I am using 4.20.20 but this is the only thread that is still alive

do you have it garmin unlocked?
alright here is the situation I really need help. I have installed this and could never get it to connect to the gps and it sits there scanning the bluetooth and then the attached. I am using the 6.1 sprint rom with internal gps built in. I don't know why it won't go passed this screen but it just will not. Any help would be appreciated. by the way I am using 4.20.20 but this is the only thread that is still alive

the error message I get is (unable to locate garmin gps device. connect to other gps devices?

you might also want to try 4.20.50 just search its there
I am trying th 4.20.50 right now and I will report back. I found out something about the gps settings too but not confirmed. thanks for the reply though
i hvae the newest one and didnt have to setup anything for gps it just worked after i put the maps on.
alright here is the situation I really need help. I have installed this and could never get it to connect to the gps and it sits there scanning the bluetooth and then the attached. I am using the 6.1 sprint rom with internal gps built in. I don't know why it won't go passed this screen but it just will not. Any help would be appreciated. by the way I am using 4.20.20 but this is the only thread that is still alive

the error message I get is (unable to locate garmin gps device. connect to other gps devices?

Question: Have you verified that you are fetting a GPS fix in any other prog like google maps? The very first time you get a fix no matter in what program, your TFF (Time to first fix) will take a while. You should run google maps and select USE GPS from the menu when you're outside in clear view of the sky. Leave your device motionless for a good 20 minutes, even after it gets a fix. That 20 minutes of motionlessness will allow your device to get a good idea of where its supposed to look for the satellites for future fixes. After that, you should be golden.

Then Garmin should connect on its own w/o a primer/buffer once you get your first fix. Also, make sure you're on COM port 4 @ 4800

If you're not getting a fix in any program, something else is wrong.