So, um, where are the pics at VENUM??? I wanna see what you did with the random clear tape!
when you stuck it on there... did you like make sure that there were no air bubbles or did you just stick and drop?
hahahah very nice, turned out like my blue one.... and also did you notice that it matches your F keys very nice :>
yes sir, i just go the sprint store down here and get them, or send my chicks to get me sum and ive dyed dozens of them. custom designs and colors...need to do like dashy boi right here and throw a clear coat to get a nice shine. good shit on that last one bro!
instead of dying black what do you guys think of this black Altell back cover?
Im worried that if i dye it will rub off on my clothes, since you guys mentioned it will fade in a few months..
Does it fade to the point of seeing silver underneath?
you guys did an awesome job with the bright colored back covers.
why have the alltel symbol on your deivce? and it doesnt rub off and i myself havent had one fade enough to redye evenno fade on clothes!!!
awesome.. thanks for the response guys i wasn't looking forward to having that alltel stamp on there.. guess ill get some RIT dye tomorrow
i would de go with the powder through doing over 100 of these now. it seems to just plain out work better in my opinion.
agreed powder worked wayy better for me
your not supposed to snort the powder venum.... those are going to be some interesting looking snot rockets for the next couple days :highfive:
hahahhahahahaa that may just be the thing that is causing it :highfive:that explains the sneezing, horrible migraines and random brain hemorrhaging :/
once you go dark you can't go light... so if your gonna do purple make sure you don't leave in for too long or your back will turn black or like a really dark shade of purple... so be CAREFUL!!!... and you can always dry and put in for longer if you don't get the color you want.. but the longer it's in the longer the color will stay.... so aim for a darker type of purple... only use RIT type die.. i and a lot of us use the powder type... see if you can aim for a light purple first and if you make a mistake... hey.. atleast its a dark purple lol... good luck... not hard.. just remember.. TOO HOT will warp your back case causing your stylus to fall out or just dumb stuff like it won't go on right.. yeah just read first intro to this thread it goes into instructions... and don't leave flame on the whole time.. on and off every 4-5 min... that's what i did... i also read somewhere you can do it in the microwave so check into that one too.. may be easier to view what color your trying to get to...