How to Dye Your Touch Pro Battery Cover

check mine out guys just got mine done i left for about 40min so i could have a true black color and yea its dark just how i like it next im go get some clear paint like dash did put a nice lil shine 2 it should look pimp

hhahahah for sure and be sure to use light coats and not heavy ones........ but not too light that you get dry spray and cant buff it out.
do you know what colors work? i mean can we dye it red, or blue? or is it just black that works? Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
do you know what colors work? i mean can we dye it red, or blue? or is it just black that works? Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

pretty sure you can do any color, as D/\SH has shown in the past (although this may not be the same technique he uses)...

thus guy made his own tutorial which is good but he goes about differently than i do and yes you can do it any color that you want.
Heres my latest.
do you guys have replacement battery covers? if so, where do you get them?

i want to paint my s#it black but dont know if to risk ruining it

at any sprint repair store they usually have them... most repair stores will keep the batteries and the covers as well as styluses and other knick knacks when they send the phones back to the company (all they want is the main part of the device) so try there... if you dont have any repair shops in your area shoot me a pm and i will get you a black one made up
thanks DASHY i'll try that..and yeah that is rose..i actually thought it would be a little darker pink but it still looks pretty good :)

you will notice a huge difference and it will look soooo much nicer.... also if you want it darker add a little more dye than you did last time and leave in for longer.... you can go right over what you did already.... just remember you can only go from light to dark and not dark to light so keep checking in on it.