Let D/\SH Mod It For You

Hey dash it's me again. I hate to be a pest but if you could just let me know where to send the money and phone. I want the apps like on your youtube videos plus games. You are truly brillant at what you do. thanks missey

pm sent to you missy.
Ok you got my serious attention I would think you would be totally crushed with business Please except my intial request for a complete "Mod" I will follow all instructions and pay with alacrity
I gotta go serve the Beverages Be back soon
OMG....You would think I have commited a mortal sin!! My "Bud"s think less of me for attempting to cheat my way out of a learning experience! In the world of satellite chopping, The goal is no $$$! I was intrigued enough to forget the basic rules! We live by the mission statement "We are in control"! So with a bleeding back from all the lashings, I must decline your generous offer and start from scratch and be a better person for it!
believe me ull feel better knowing u installed it ur self... we are all here to help u if u read posts b4 asking questions .. and ask in correct areas..above all, HAVE FUN LEARNING!
hey im sam iv been chekin this website out and looks like your the best i just got the mogul and if you can help me download some shit on in like windows 7 or just some tyte shit ill send like 100 or whatever to you threw paypal or anything..
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hey im sam iv been chekin this website out and looks like your the best i just got the mogul and if you can help me download some shit on in like windows 7 or just some tyte shit ill send like 100 or whatever to you threw paypal or anything.. email me at or text or call if your interested at

bro send me a pm with the information and wm7 isnt out.... edited the email and the phone number so you dont get spammed.
Yooo D/\SH, I need your services bro. I am new on here and I just read this thread. Let me know details through a pm. Thanks in advance
Hey man do you have a video on youtube that shows you transfering files to your card and then extracting them to launch? I'm good with computers but never touched a ppc before. I'm a visual person, if i see it done once I'll remember forever.
Hey man do you have a video on youtube that shows you transfering files to your card and then extracting them to launch? I'm good with computers but never touched a ppc before. I'm a visual person, if i see it done once I'll remember forever.

no, this really isnt the place for it since this has to do with my modding service i offer, but all you have to use to extract zip or rar files on your phone is pocketrar