Lol... Wanna hear a crazy story... I think i have bad luck with this touch pro.. Yesterday went to NY to see a friend. (Im from CT). Before I go to NY my phone was all good, ive always had a chip on the side of my phone near the volume up/down. So long story short, on my way home my phone dies from me using it all day @ the beach. (didnt drop it or anything). I go to charge my phone and its not charging. I take it to a sprint tech and he says the pins that connect my phone to the batt is smashed in and its nothing he can do about it, because the phone has a chip/hole and its physical damage. Now I have to pay a $100 deductible to get a new one... this shit sucks.
You should try self service bro and tell them ur phone stopped charging or whatever and avoid that fee ,i just exchange mine for free using that service ,they will ship u the phone out the next day and not have to wait 3-5 buisness days.