Anyway to change the path for IE (IE icon on the sprint cube) so that it opens Opera? With the installation, the IE icon now gives me an error reading that it cant open the sprint power deck page. Thanks.
is this the latest and the greatest?
yes it is, i updated to 1409 but could not update the title of the thread, but the latest version is the one attached
i will update the tiitle for you to 1409 mike.
thanx d/\sh, but doesnt this mean that there are two of the same versions now???
Please reload the 1476 build the rapidshare is saying file not found
changed title to not include build numberand yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet another build added to the collection 1522
d/\sh to prevent the frecuent thread title changes, i believe that its best to remove the build number from the thread title and ill post all the latest builds and change logs here (if thats ok with you)
Has anyone had success running a 9.5 build on a mogul? I tried build 1409 for the heck of it but could never get it to run stable. Usually ran out of memory within the first page or 2, and it took forever to render pages.