[ANNOUNCEMENT] Personal Issues


SPJ Addict :)
Well guys here we go again...another life story about someone who none of you personally know and dont really care to know about..but I'd thought I would share anyway...

So lately I havent been on AMJ much..and Im sure some of you have noticed...
So this is whats going on...I have been dealing with a lot of things at home...I just recently went back to college and my time at home has been very hard because of it...my husband and I have been having a lot of problems lately because its hard for me to keep up with school,my duties at home, and taking care of my 3 year old son...so basically I feel like I dont have his support because instead of encouraging me to finish school I feel like hes trying to make me quit because he feels that Im not keeping up with my responsibilities...

So I feel as if its just a matter of time before i explode and give him a piece of my mind..which i dont want to do because I can get very angry and let my anger take over my mind...and we all know angry decisions are the ones you always regret...and just FYI we are not having any type of financial issues or anything of that sort..this is simply relationship problems who I think everybody goes thru...

But its coming to the point where it does make me cry myself to sleep at times..and I dont think my son should be around that type of environment..so what I decided to do is cut back on my free time..which is when i escape to AMJ and just forget about everything else...

Im gonna dedicate a little more time to my home and my family who i think really needs me right now......Dont get me wrong i'll be jumping in every once in a while but it wont be as often as it used to...OH and another thing..to all of you that have my cell number..my 2 year contract just ended yesterday and I didnt want to renew it just yet because Im gonna be adding 2 more lines maybe by this weekend..so yeah my phone wont be activated till then... :(

So yeah thats pretty much the drama right now....oh and umm i do get a chance to check my email at school every morning so if any of yall would like to write to me you can reach me at deysi_pineda@hotmail.com :) feel free to just say hi if you want :)

well thanks to all of you for all the help and support you guys have given me since day 1...this is not a good bye..since i'll be around..but i just really appreciate all of you guys do for me..you guys are seriously the best...

my best wishes and blessings to all of you...

hugs and kisses

- Daisy
good luck with everything Daisy, just stay strong and keep your head up, he will come around..... us guys sometimes just get a little intimidated by independent woman, thats all. he will get over it, lol. but whatever you do stay in colledge and get your degree girl!
Well guys here we go again...another life story about someone who none of you personally know and dont really care to know about..but I'd thought I would share anyway...

So lately I havent been on AMJ much..and Im sure some of you have noticed...
So this is whats going on...I have been dealing with a lot of things at home...I just recently went back to college and my time at home has been very hard because of it...my husband and I have been having a lot of problems lately because its hard for me to keep up with school,my duties at home, and taking care of my 3 year old son...so basically I feel like I dont have his support because instead of encouraging me to finish school I feel like hes trying to make me quit because he feels that Im not keeping up with my responsibilities...

So I feel as if its just a matter of time before i explode and give him a piece of my mind..which i dont want to do because I can get very angry and let my anger take over my mind...and we all know angry decisions are the ones you always regret...and just FYI we are not having any type of financial issues or anything of that sort..this is simply relationship problems who I think everybody goes thru...

But its coming to the point where it does make me cry myself to sleep at times..and I dont think my son should be around that type of environment..so what I decided to do is cut back on my free time..which is when i escape to AMJ and just forget about everything else...

Im gonna dedicate a little more time to my home and my family who i think really needs me right now......Dont get me wrong i'll be jumping in every once in a while but it wont be as often as it used to...OH and another thing..to all of you that have my cell number..my 2 year contract just ended yesterday and I didnt want to renew it just yet because Im gonna be adding 2 more lines maybe by this weekend..so yeah my phone wont be activated till then... :(

So yeah thats pretty much the drama right now....oh and umm i do get a chance to check my email at school every morning so if any of yall would like to write to me you can reach me at deysi_pineda@hotmail.com :) feel free to just say hi if you want :)

well thanks to all of you for all the help and support you guys have given me since day 1...this is not a good bye..since i'll be around..but i just really appreciate all of you guys do for me..you guys are seriously the best...

my best wishes and blessings to all of you...

hugs and kisses

- Daisy

Well im pretty sure everyone here wishes you the best Daisy, and just by sharing your problem with everyone Im sure you're feeling a lot better, it's a good way to release some bad feelings. Feel better and positive about things, you know you're doing something right!

I understand completely, been through the same thing when I was getting my Associate's degree, and now back in to school trying to get my bachelor's degree....kids are older now, so that's a huge strain off of it...........

Just keep pushing the school, DO NOT QUIT! You will regret it for the rest of your life if you do, and you are so young, you need that to survive in this economy the way it is, you are smart enough to know that it will work out one way or another, even if it's not the path you chose, just know that you have to look out for the best interests of you (and your family) to be able to better provide for ALL of you in the future..............I wish you all the best Daisy, and go kick some butt in school.........lol........talk later girl, Ima save ur email address in my gmail acct. will drop you a line here and there g/f!!!
good luck with everything Daisy, just stay strong and keep your head up, he will come around..... us guys sometimes just get a little intimidated by independent woman, thats all. he will get over it, lol. but whatever you do stay in colledge and get your degree girl!

Sometimes we are "blind" too. Sometimes you have to spell it out for us, like a verbal slap in the face.

Life is defined by how, we as individuals, deal with stress. It seems like you have a lot going on and it appears to have piled up on your plate til it's about to spill over.

You might want to sit down and talk to him when it's not a time of stress, like several hours after you both get home.

On the other hand if he is skipping out on helping just to get you to quit, there's something else going on.

Again I don't know you, so based on what you said, he could feel intimidated by you going back to school, cause it might make him feel inferior (insert reason for feelings here.)

Also if you do quit school, you will regret it later. In this economy I cant stress enough, to get back in school and get a higher degree.

Good luck in what decision you make, Im sure it will all work out in the end.
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thanks for sharing first of all. It's not always easy to come out and talk but sometimes it's easier to write. (That's what I do) :)

I know first hand that things can be tough sometimes but eventually it will all work itself out. Being away from your significant other can take it's toll but you have to just know that it will blow over. Don't let relationship problems ruin your schooling and future. I don't always or give the right answer but if you ever need to vent please feel free to email me (sent to pm) or call (also pm'ed) :) Us junkies don't like to see our fam struggle so this is what we do to help others out.

Hang in there and keep your head up and thins will eventually come together.

Much love from the thermus himself

Hang in there kiddo :)
Sweets, dang, hate to hear about what you got going on.

BTW - have you really talked to him about the school thing? Guys can be kinda weird, he may be not pushing you, supporting you, whatever, because he doesn't want you to feel like he's counting on you to get things done.

Men are kinda strange like that sometimes, it's possible. Not saying that it's a bad thing. Plus, he's prolly worried that when you do get your degree, you're gonna make more money than him, or not need him anymore.

Not saying to treat him like a child, but you might want to sit down with him and talk about it - like in a restaurant or something, without your son their. Kinda like a date. Just my two cents.

Keep your chin up girl, it'll get better.
Sweets, dang, hate to hear about what you got going on.

BTW - have you really talked to him about the school thing? Guys can be kinda weird, he may be not pushing you, supporting you, whatever, because he doesn't want you to feel like he's counting on you to get things done.

Men are kinda strange like that sometimes, it's possible. Not saying that it's a bad thing. Plus, he's prolly worried that when you do get your degree, you're gonna make more money than him, or not need him anymore.

Not saying to treat him like a child, but you might want to sit down with him and talk about it - like in a restaurant or something, without your son their. Kinda like a date. Just my two cents.

Keep your chin up girl, it'll get better.

Sseeing as how a member of the opposite sex has the same opinion as me, I feel vendicated. Can't agree more with gadget.

That and I'm putting my $27,000 Psychology Degree from UCF to work.
Daisy i send my best wishes to you and your fam and i hope ya'll make it thru what your going thru because i kno trying to do what you need to do and trying to juggle everything else in life can become overwhelming and make you go crazy sometimes. just remember if it gets to be to much.... grab your ears and rub them and say woo-sa....woo-sa. :male-fighter1:
Sweets, dang, hate to hear about what you got going on.

BTW - have you really talked to him about the school thing? Guys can be kinda weird, he may be not pushing you, supporting you, whatever, because he doesn't want you to feel like he's counting on you to get things done.

Men are kinda strange like that sometimes, it's possible. Not saying that it's a bad thing. Plus, he's prolly worried that when you do get your degree, you're gonna make more money than him, or not need him anymore.

Not saying to treat him like a child, but you might want to sit down with him and talk about it - like in a restaurant or something, without your son their. Kinda like a date. Just my two cents.

Keep your chin up girl, it'll get better.

Yes she is right. Sometimes you do have to talk to us guys as if we were a child in some ways. It's hard to explain, but from what you have mentioned above, a talk IS needed. I myself used to let things build up and it only makes things worse. NEVER walk by a problem/issue. It took me being a manager to learn that lesson and it applies to life as well! If there is a problem, it needs to be addressed. But sometimes it's not what you do...but HOW you do it, and I'm sure you already know that I am in no way trying to be little you, only trying to help from my experiences. I have learned so much from my wife that I would not be where I am today if not for her. I owe my life to her!! Like me, he probably just doesn't understand the severity of the situation and needs to be approached about it differently or educated on your intentions. My wife is a very independent woman, and I have had to adjust to that! I wish she didn't have to work and be so independent because I would much rather take care of her every need myself! But that's what I want, not her...and I had to understand what makes HER happy and feel good about herself. Because if SHE is not happy, I"M not happy...period! If you want to go to school to better yourself than you must do it. If you are not happy with yourself...then how can you be any good for anyone else? It starts from within. You can't possibly be any good for him or your fam if you are not happy and you feel like crap and you live in regret and you let things build up to the point of explosion etc, etc. It's a loose loose, for you and them. I agree that he is most likely intimidated and scared of you not needing him anymore once you reach your goal. I think if you time it right and have a sit down and just try to explain to him all aspects so that he can understand where your coming from and what your reasons are then he may feel different about the situation. I used to live in the moment and only think about the present myself, it took my wife to open my eyes and think about the future as well as consequence. This will take adjusting for the whole family, but it's all for the better and it is worth it in this time and day. I know it must be hard for you right now without his support, you need all the support you can get. If he really loves you and wants what is best, he wil come around eventually. There isn't anything in this world I wouldn't do for my wife, and we are going through a very similar situation! She just started going back to school, my daughter starts kindergarden this year, and I was promoted to manager a few months back so we have all been going through hard times trying to make it work. I feel your pain and I believe you will be ok. Just stay positive, negativity will never bring positive results. My hat goes off to ya! Being a wife/mom/ and going to school is probably the hardest thing a person could do. It will all pay off in the end and just keep your eye on the goal. Hopefully he is open minded and is willing to think outside the box and believe in you. I wish you the best and I hope you feel better soon!! Just remember, he is probably scared and intimidated so he may be defensive at 1st, let him know yoiu are in this together and that you need him now more than ever and if he really loves you then this is his chance to prove it and support you and help you get through this. Good luck and I only wish you the best, I respect what your doing and are trying to accomplish!
as a full time student and full time security officer i know exactly what you are going through. it never seems as if there are enough hours in a day even if you only get 4 hours of sleep max. hang in there and stick with school, us guys are hard headed and feel as if we should support our gals and can feel intimidated by a female with more power or higher ranking than us. you will do good and keep it up with school and everythign else... we will always be here for you and you have my number and my email address is you ever need to talk or get something out. take care and get that degree!! :msn-busy:
but hey its never to late to help a friend right???
well hope everything turns out great for you and your family!!!
life is hard!!! it has its good time and bad time!!
your lucky you have a wonder boy who both his parents love him!!!
you all have good health and have a roof over your heads and you have your husban still there!!
i mean thing can be worse!! dont get me wrong but you know life is like a roller coaster ride it has its ups an downs!!! im sure such an intelligent and beautiful woman like yourself will get through all this!!!
im more than sure your hubby will soon understand that you simply want the best for you and him and your baby boy!!! it may take some time but it will all work out soon!!! hope you get through all this fast!!! best wishes for you and your family hang in there girl!!! stop by simply to say hi!!!:highfive:

loves you here and always your family at AMJ!!!
Sorry to here about all this , was wondering why I havent seen you on the boards at night. Just keep your head up and stay in school and get your degree. That most of all will get you where you want to be in life. I will be writing you some emails for sure hope things turn around for you so you will be back here at AMJ!!!!