SkyFire Browser Beats the Pants Off the iPhone -- No Foolin'

I got my skyfire beta to days ago and i still think its kinda slow and buggy in my opinion its not as smooth as i would like but, its nice, features are great but needs video drivers and also needs to be less laggy and faster and much smoother then i would be much happier.

slow???? you serious, why dont u test out running a full pc website thru pie, and then thru skyfire...and then tell me which one is kinda slow lol...and also remember its a beta which means test verions.
I was checking out Skyfire on Youtube and it looks pretty darn good. How long til they get past Beta testing? What's the next best one down from Skyfire if you had to make a choice?
I was checking out Skyfire on Youtube and it looks pretty darn good. How long til they get past Beta testing? What's the next best one down from Skyfire if you had to make a choice?

I was using the Opera Browser before getting the Skyfire Beta, and it was working pretty well for me...

I was playing with the Skyfire Browser last night while waiting for my nephew's graduation to finish, and I couldn't believe how fast the speed of it was even though I wasn't in a wifi area... And it's obviously only going to get better in the future..
Skyfire is good but i still prefer Opera. Skyfire feels a tad bit slower and the youtube is sort of slow for me. Or maybe its just my phone
Skyfire is good but i still prefer Opera. Skyfire feels a tad bit slower and the youtube is sort of slow for me. Or maybe its just my phone

huh odd mine is blazing fast and the video streaming isnt choppy at all and is actually quick as hell!!! thank god for REV A
huh odd mine is blazing fast and the video streaming isnt choppy at all and is actually quick as hell!!! thank god for REV A

I was going to say, I am not running REV A. So thats probably why it runs slow for me. Im gonna try to flash it tonight. Pray for me.
hey on the 27th i got a link for it in a text message and than i didnt notice it until after work on the 28th i clicked on it and said link expired or some shit to resign up or something like that. . .so does that mean i gotta wait again for the invite or wat?
hey on the 27th i got a link for it in a text message and than i didnt notice it until after work on the 28th i clicked on it and said link expired or some shit to resign up or something like that. . .so does that mean i gotta wait again for the invite or wat?

i would guess so i have never heard of tha happening.
hey on the 27th i got a link for it in a text message and than i didnt notice it until after work on the 28th i clicked on it and said link expired or some shit to resign up or something like that. . .so does that mean i gotta wait again for the invite or wat?

I got five bucks says you have opera installed.Mine did same thing.Copy paste link into internet explorer..the ppc's default browser.It should work then.
I got five bucks says you have opera installed.Mine did same thing.Copy paste link into internet explorer..the ppc's default browser.It should work then.

i got opera mini installed ya. and i already did copy paste it into my ie. thats wat it did i had to copy paste since on the vito sms you cant click links =[
i had a hell of a time getting my download info after i got my initial invite. after 2 weeks of nothing (no text message telling me how to download), i emailed them 3 times and finally got a response that they had sent the text with no response, with a link to download it from pc and install.

that being said. to be brutally honest, the rendering sucks. it's much much slower than opera. also. i was surprised at the amount of sites that it won't go to. it's blocked in someway from going to speedtest websites.

you will find that while the things it can do are really cool, the drawbacks that the beta has will drive you crazy. at least they do me.
dud i jst got mine and i lov it to!!! so good i jst wish there was a mode for the vids cause there hard to see so small i wish whn u click on the vid it will go into landscape mode for the full screen:yahoo: tht would be sick!!