SkyFire Browser Beats the Pants Off the iPhone -- No Foolin'

HAHa I finally scammed it from skyfire I only needed to get a US forwarding email account as they won't give it to canada so I tricked them... hehehe I got it and it works and "Daddy Like" :o)
HAHa I finally scammed it from skyfire I only needed to get a US forwarding email account as they won't give it to canada so I tricked them... hehehe I got it and it works and "Daddy Like" :o)

hahaha congrats probeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! enjoy the streaming youtube.... you wont use it as a everyday broser (opera for me) but it is nice for the built in flash!!!
I just got the latest Skyfire beta; it's an awesome browser for my ppc 6800! Until I do get an upgrade, I'll stick w/ this one all the way! Iris is the only other browser I might fool w/ as a second choice though it still doesn't hold a candle to Skyfire.
i dont mean to post off topic but sence were talking about browsers, what was the name of the program that lets u pic k a default i.e? to set opera as my default... i know its in here but forgot the name, sorry...
oh and congrats to PROBEX, better late then never man...
i dont mean to post off topic but sence were talking about browsers, what was the name of the program that lets u pic k a default i.e? to set opera as my default... i know its in here but forgot the name, sorry...
oh and congrats to PROBEX, better late then never man...

i saw a app just like that, i lets you choose your default browser, skyfire, opera mini, opera mobile etc. copy paste, and other features.... ill see if i can fetch it for ya

btw. LOVING SKYFIRE, but till more features are added in the next version like multi tabs, upload, download etc. im still keeping Opera Mobile
opera mini is server sided to run faster but opera 9.5 is ran like other browsers off your phone for better rendering and more secure.
opera mini is java based

in short:
opera mini for quick look ups
opera 9.5 for secure browsing.
whats the differnce btween opera mobile/opera mini and opera 9.5 ??


i never liked opera mini... sure its really fast but its because its not a real browser, in laymans terms it takes a picture of the page and renders it to your device explaining the awesome speed and why there arent animations in page rendering, no flash eather, but its a awesome browser for fast browsing and conveniant browsing. Its java based and designed for crappy phones lol, there are no braggin rights if you have the same browser on your PPC than your buddy has in his Rumor LMAO

Opera mobile (Opera9.5... same thing unless you mean the desktop browser) is a real browser designed for a pda device, it has smoother scrolling, zooming and all the features you can find in a PC browser exept the latest flash support, but the downside is that its slow (in my opinion, that is the closest to a perfect browser available for ppc because of the ability to upload, download, multi tabbing, automatic text wrap, java script, favorites etc.) all it needs is to be faster and the latest flash for it to crush all browsers

but till then Skyfire is my favorite, fast fast fast and flash flash flash!!!! :brows:
whitch would b best for a mogul, cuz im running kaos's fuck sprint take 3... i read it but it just tells about the history, not so much what versions go to what phone...THANX MIKE
whitch would b best for a mogul, cuz im running kaos's fuck sprint take 3... i read it but it just tells about the history, not so much what versions go to what phone...THANX MIKE
download the latest version, it works universally when it comes to devices, but since it gets updated your best bet is the latest
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NOTHING! i trydem all and there unsuccessful ... i know we have one on our site, dash would know but fuck i dont remember the name... its cool thanx mike, i read ur comment on ur ipohe interface..about my custom icons..THX!
NOTHING! i trydem all and there unsuccessful ... i know we have one on our site, dash would know but fuck i dont remember the name... its cool thanx mike, i read ur comment on ur ipohe interface..about my custom icons..THX!

oops, it says that its foe non qwerty smartphones :40: , ill snoop around to see if i can find it till dash is found

and yea i had this itch for custom icons for dwizzys theme cuz i tried when v1 was released but i got pissed cuz i couldnt trim the edges and they looked like crap LOL, but they must be 32x32 so they work with the plugin
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yeah i kinda figures 32x32, just like the hhc icons... i have the same problems to but hhc is png and the pink background doesnt show as much... i lost lots of icons i had on my other comp but im trying to make others...ill keep u posted..
how can I download skyfire beta for my mogul 6800 I already reg. but is there a way I can get the download. thanx in advance.
how can I download skyfire beta for my mogul 6800 I already reg. but is there a way I can get the download. thanx in advance.

use the beta code michael8 when you sign up and you should get a quick text message link to download.