Sprint replacing Touch Pro with Touch Pro2

Re Sprint replacing Touch Pro with Touch Pro2

what area are you win? it depends on area for what they are going to be offering.

Right ? They should type in what area they are in or update their profile as to where they live so we can know where we have to go to get the swap u know
Guys, this is a completely temporary situation. HTC cannot have a million TP2s available at launch. Clearly, the bulk went to Verizon at first & Sprint's inventory is going to come later on.

No matter where you are, it's an inventory issue, not a Sprint corporate decision. The decision has clearly been made... The TP2 is the REAL replacement for the TP. Problem is, they don't have 'em yet. So, if you go in the store, they're going to do the only thing they can... offer you something else. Since the Touch Pro Series are the nicest WinMo phones they have, anything else will be "less."

Be patient.

Your TP2 is coming.
Distribution won't be evenly weighted... higher producing stores will likely get more TP2s, lower volume stores will get less. As soon as a store is out of their initial allotment, who knows when the next shipment will arrive. You'd have to have some pretty odd connections at Sprint and/or HTC to know how they decide which stores will get TP2s and when they'll get them.

It probably also depends on what each individual store manager decides to carry.

Here, I have a choice between two "authorized dealers" and several corporate stores. The "authorized dealers" have a very different set of phones on display and in stock. Just call the stores randomly... as soon as they have one "for sale," hit 'em up for an exchange.

Just don't wrack your brain trying to figure out some sort of reasoning behind why the guy on Topeka has a Touch Pro 2 and the guy in Burbank doesn't. Anyone who has worked in mass distribution knows it could be as simple as the shipping them out to stores in alphabetical order. If that's the case, I feel sorry for the folks in Zebulon Mississippi.
Re Sprint replacing Touch Pro with Touch Pro2

Yes, it depends in the area you are near because i'm in Rockville, MD and my TP got swapped right away! In the other hands, My Boss son, who lives in north VA, he went to sprint store and they did thier normal procedures which is swap TP for another fu**ed up TP lol. It all depends which sprint store you go to.

--------- New Post Merged on 23/11/2009 at 04:49:34 --------

You have proven my point. LOL
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I'd be willing to be that if you went back to the store at Rockville, they'd not have any TP2s left. Just a guess...
Re Sprint replacing Touch Pro with Touch Pro2

FWIW, I'm just East of Atlanta... I've been to two different repair centers, talked over the phone with Sprint & Asurion. I have the TEP.

The repair centers regret to inform me that the only off the shelf replacement they can give me are Blackberries & lesser phones like the Snap. They're at least honest & confess that the Snap is crap compared with the Touch Pro.

Sprint customer service won't discuss it & sends me to Asurion. Anyone know a work around?

Asurion will replace it with a refurbished TP. I went the refurbished route with my Apache & will never have another refurbished phone. I went through FIVE refurbished Apaches, which meant I basically went without a phone for over a month.

While parts of my TP are broken, and I do want a replacement, I cannot afford to risk receiving another long line of broken refurbished phones.

my friend just got her phone (TP) replaced through asurion and they sent a TP 2
Re Sprint replacing Touch Pro with Touch Pro2

Had my third keyboard put in today, and while they were at it, they went ahead and ordered my new TP2 to be shipped to my home, so I didn't have to go back to the store. Have decided that this is definitely the way to go, it takes a little bit, but it's worth the patience when I can get a $600 phone for free, and not use up my upgrade promotion.
Re: Re Sprint replacing Touch Pro with Touch Pro2

Had my third keyboard put in today, and while they were at it, they went ahead and ordered my new TP2 to be shipped to my home, so I didn't have to go back to the store. Have decided that this is definitely the way to go, it takes a little bit, but it's worth the patience when I can get a $600 phone for free, and not use up my upgrade promotion.

very nice and congrats on the tp2 :) see now your up with the big dogs again and really didnt take you too long.
Re Re Sprint replacing Touch Pro with Touch Pro2

my friend just got her phone (TP) replaced through asurion and they sent a TP 2

Did they tell her they were sending a TP2, or did they say they were sending a Touch Pro? I spoke with them less than a week ago & was told they were only shipping refurbed TPs.

I'd still rather wait til the local stores have 'em just so I can avoid the $50 deductible.
Re Re Re Sprint replacing Touch Pro with Touch Pro2

Did they tell her they were sending a TP2, or did they say they were sending a Touch Pro? I spoke with them less than a week ago & was told they were only shipping refurbed TPs.

I'd still rather wait til the local stores have 'em just so I can avoid the $50 deductible.

first off - to replace the Touch Pro through Asurion, it's $100 deductible, last time I checked. I don't think that if it's an equipment failure, that they will charge for the replacement, especially if you have had documented issues with the TP, I've had 4 handsets and the last one I got, have had 3 keyboards put in.

Secondly - from what I can see of the forums, and talking to other people, it depends on where you live as to what you get as a replacement. In the store last night, they had a list of five phones that I could get to replace the Touch Pro, but that's with Sprint at a corporate store, not sure how other carriers/locations will do it.
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so while im on hold i told them i have had 2 replacements in store refurbs and willing to pay the 100 deduct to get into some thing else. she asked how many years i been with sprint so i says 9 years and only one clain since. she says let me see what i can do for you, mind you she nevered asked a question bout my tp. she comes back and offers the curve, treo pro and tour. i tells her no thank you not comparable, she says ok how bout the tp2. im like hell yeah, so it will be here in two days or less and i never had to fight her or talk to a soup. to think i been fighting the corp store for 6 months and they barely budge for a treo pro, curve and snap. the trick is to be nice and not have too many claims in my opinion. good luck to the rest of yall and see ya later cause im in a different phone class now. lol
Re Sprint replacing Touch Pro with Touch Pro2

so while im on hold i told them i have had 2 replacements in store refurbs and willing to pay the 100 deduct to get into some thing else. she asked how many years i been with sprint so i says 9 years and only one clain since. she says let me see what i can do for you, mind you she nevered asked a question bout my tp. she comes back and offers the curve, treo pro and tour. i tells her no thank you not comparable, she says ok how bout the tp2. im like hell yeah, so it will be here in two days or less and i never had to fight her or talk to a soup. to think i been fighting the corp store for 6 months and they barely budge for a treo pro, curve and snap. the trick is to be nice and not have too many claims in my opinion. good luck to the rest of yall and see ya later cause im in a different phone class now. lol

Wow did u have to pay anything ?
so while im on hold i told them i have had 2 replacements in store refurbs and willing to pay the 100 deduct to get into some thing else. she asked how many years i been with sprint so i says 9 years and only one clain since. she says let me see what i can do for you, mind you she nevered asked a question bout my tp. she comes back and offers the curve, treo pro and tour. i tells her no thank you not comparable, she says ok how bout the tp2. im like hell yeah, so it will be here in two days or less and i never had to fight her or talk to a soup. to think i been fighting the corp store for 6 months and they barely budge for a treo pro, curve and snap. the trick is to be nice and not have too many claims in my opinion. good luck to the rest of yall and see ya later cause im in a different phone class now. lol

congrats and patience can sometimes pay off thats for sure. you will love your new device and too bad the holiday week had to be going on right now or you may have got it before the weekend... hopefully it will be overnighted so it gets to you by friday.
Re Re Re Sprint replacing Touch Pro with Touch Pro2

Did they tell her they were sending a TP2, or did they say they were sending a Touch Pro? I spoke with them less than a week ago & was told they were only shipping refurbed TPs.

I'd still rather wait til the local stores have 'em just so I can avoid the $50 deductible.

they didn't tell her what they were sending at all actually, she was under the impression she would be getting another TP, but when it came it was a brand new TP2 in box.
Re Re Re Re Sprint replacing Touch Pro with Touch Pro2

they didn't tell her what they were sending at all actually, she was under the impression she would be getting another TP, but when it came it was a brand new TP2 in box.

I wonder if they're doing that to keep from having a run on TP2s from TP1 owners... not telling people what they're sending.