[Theme] TF7X-by-PROBEX

Some of the programs in that list won't go away. IDK man. Don't waste your time with me lol. I obviously should just keep shit at default levels b/c every time I try to customize I screw my phone up pretty good. My touch menu at the bottom (slide) is a squished up and crap, my clock won't show, and its just a mess. Thanks for trying though.

Well do a hard reset come back on and let us guide you through
Hey what's up PROBEX im having troubles installing you wonderfull theme you are the man bro, let me tell ya what kind of winzip i got to use to unzip the file cause it's giving me an arrer message that cannot open file it doesnt appears to be an valid archive.

help me please.
Hey what's up PROBEX im having troubles installing you wonderfull theme you are the man bro, let me tell ya what kind of winzip i got to use to unzip the file cause it's giving me an arrer message that cannot open file it doesnt appears to be an valid archive.

help me please.

use winrar to extract.
hello,I'm newbie...please teach me how to download ur themes????my phone also HTC Touch Pro...tks before..

all it consists of is 3 cab files.... follow the steps in the ifrst post on deactivating touchflo and so on and you will be fine.... also read through the thread for many troubleshooting errors if you hit a problem which not many do.
I have tried to download from PC and from phone but both of the .zip files that have the theme are downloading corrupt. Is there a password needed? Am I supposed to be more than a regular user to download? Please help, as I really want to take advantage of this theme.

I have tried to download from PC and from phone but both of the .zip files that have the theme are downloading corrupt. Is there a password needed? Am I supposed to be more than a regular user to download? Please help, as I really want to take advantage of this theme.


No there is no password the file just downloaded for me fine. Might be your virus protection check the setting on it. That was the problem for me one time was getting corrupt error
I have a question. Where do you store the TF7X files at? I just left them in my storage card. I followed your instructions but it wasn't promting me to restart.
i have a question. Where do you store the tf7x files at? I just left them in my storage card. I followed your instructions but it wasn't promting me to restart.

hi first of al you have to make members introduction so whe can help you on your way and second check my sig for the tutorial learn how to install tfd3 themes

grtz weesje
I have a question. Where do you store the TF7X files at? I just left them in my storage card. I followed your instructions but it wasn't promting me to restart.

you dont just store the files on your card..... its like any program or anything you do with a pc or ppc, you have to install tha cab files and than after install it will prompt you to reset..... take a look art the noob guide that you kind find below in m,y signature and it willl teach you howe to instlal cab files if you havent already.