touch pro sprint vs touch pro alltel


is there any difference between the two, because sprint isnt working with me on giving me that touch pro, and alltel is planning on giving me the touch pro for free. should i do it or stay with sprint? i mean i like sprint and all but am really in need of a new phone.
yes i talked to retentions twice, both said they could offer me a phone for free like the palm centro or the rumor, im like hell no!!.lol i have the touch why would i downgrade? ya know? but yeah they said they couldnt get it any cheaper than a new customer price because they are not allowed to do equipment credits. so i could only get the upgrade im eligible for and send in a mail in rebate!! that still was a lil too pricy for me.
yes i talked to retentions twice, both said they could offer me a phone for free like the palm centro or the rumor, im like hell no!!.lol i have the touch why would i downgrade? ya know? but yeah they said they couldnt get it any cheaper than a new customer price because they are not allowed to do equipment credits. so i could only get the upgrade im eligible for and send in a mail in rebate!! that still was a lil too pricy for me.
Just like Kaos said, try retentions...I know you alread have tried....but try and and again till you get it done. I had to call 5 times before I got someone who would help me out, and you have a better argument then I do. Be respectful and just stress to them that you will leave them. The end.......But that would be my route, try it, maybe you will get lucky..
ok i will try it again, but i would have thought maybe i shouldnt start off with telling them i want a new phone, what if i just give the list of problems and i want to know if they can ship me one without these problems, ..seeing that the touch and mogul are on retired list and i am eligible for 150 upgrade do you think they will just ship me the next comparable phone to the touch?, thus making my time of debating a swap for touch pro free of charge. or should i just say give me touch pro?
Yeah just play it smoothe don't demand a new phone. But say listen I am tired of the "issue's" I have had with the Touch, I am due for this upgrade amount, which still wouldn't give me the TP for free, when Alltell is offering me one blah blah, like I said try being respectful and say listen I know this isn't you fault I am just at my wits end with this mess. Blah Blah....Just work it. You will get it done.
sprint will probably have more support but they both really look the same cept im not sure how much ram the alltell ones got
ok thanks man, ill try that again and see what they say, but all in all if i just ask for a replacement, without any other questions, because i was supposed to be shipped a touch but they shipped it to wrong address, shouldnt they just say "we dont have touch phones anymore, they have been retired" and give me the upgrade to tp or td? or will they find me another touch.

with all being said alltel has offered me a free tp, does it matter that i switch? i would like to just beat all the complication with sprint and stay with them, but if they cant meet my needs i should right?
Just like Kaos said, try retentions...I know you alread have tried....but try and and again till you get it done. I had to call 5 times before I got someone who would help me out, and you have a better argument then I do. Be respectful and just stress to them that you will leave them. The end.......But that would be my route, try it, maybe you will get lucky..

def try more than once.... it just takes getting the right person, and remember be nice but stern and dont get angry until you have been on the phone for a little bit... trust me it is hard but if your nice about it they are more willing to talk to one of the bosses to see what they can do for you.... and if retentions doesnt work after another try call back retentions and when they answer tell them that you would like to be transferred over to escalated and than they might do something about it through retentions or escalated will almost def. help you out ..... and the whole thing about the computers not allowing is a lie since i know first hand how the system works since im a corporate employee and because hibby (a rom developer and member here) got his for 75 bones through them and got to keep his vogue on top of that.... so it is possible and just keep strong and try to rememebr what i said above... good luck to you and let us know how it works out in the end... keep us updated buddy :>
ok thanks man, ill try that again and see what they say, but all in all if i just ask for a replacement, without any other questions, because i was supposed to be shipped a touch but they shipped it to wrong address, shouldnt they just say "we dont have touch phones anymore, they have been retired" and give me the upgrade to tp or td? or will they find me another touch.

with all being said alltel has offered me a free tp, does it matter that i switch? i would like to just beat all the complication with sprint and stay with them, but if they cant meet my needs i should right?

alltel overall is a very good company but i would try to stay away from them becasue within 2 years there are goingt o be all verizon and most likely start to cripple their devices as verizon does.... great customer service though. hibby was right they are the same and the main differences are the black battery cover compared to sprint silver and the stock TF3-D theme is different as well as the bloat ware... other than tat they are the same..
Just listen to D/\sh he made a very good point about alltell going to verizon, 99% of the time verizon kills there phones.........So I think from my opinion and speaking for a lot of people on this site.....stick with sprint....Things for that company I fell are changing and def. are going to be and are better than all-tell......
ok so Dash, what about the part when i ask to be sent a new touch because mine is malfunctioning repetitively. how will they respond to that, with the touch and mogul being on the retired list.? will this be an easier route to getting my tp or td
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ok so Dash, what about the part when i ask to be sent a new touch because mine is malfunctioning repetitively. how will they respond to that, with the touch and mogul being on the retired list.? will this be an easier route to getting my tp or td

--------- New Post Merged on 19/12/2008 at 05:50:38 --------

oh ok so Dash, what about the part if i just ask if they can ship me a new touch seeing that i am having all these malfunctions with it, with the touch and mogul being on the retired list, do you think this will be an easier route to gettin them to swap my phone exchange for the tp or td or is this just gonna end up with another touch.?

--------- New Post Merged on 19/12/2008 at 05:52:06 --------

sorry about the double post my computer shut down and i didnt know or think it went thru...

they should be fine, even though they are on the retired list they still have some in stock to sell at the stores and to also give replacements to people.... but you should still have a good shot if you have valid reason for an upgrade and all and you do . :Laie_32:
i have the alltel pro, love it, no problems with it,i have it running on stock rom and all pimped out. however like dash said, verizon will take over, and when my contract is up im probly switchin to sprint, b/c the next "Pro" replacement will have verizon wrote all aver it. and we need more custom roms for alltel pro, theres tons for sprint
ok hey thanks dash, ima take your advice to the fullest, and try this a few more i will let ya know how it goes and if i have any more ?'s ill run them by this thread again, thanks to all who responded to the thread, much love to AMJ.....
Hey guys I am having issues with my touch diamond and want to upgrade to the pro for obvious reasons. I also have a brand new touch that they replaced for me after I had to buy a new diamond to replace my broken touch. Do you think retentions will exchange my diamond for a pro or maybe even my touch and diamond for a pro? I have been very happy with sprint for the past 10 years but am getting pissed at their support lately. I called one time and they tried telling me they dont do any kind of discounts anymore I called the chick a liar and hung up called someone else and they got me the plan i needed. Seems retentions is not as good as it used to be. BTW I have two lines from sprint both run full service. Idk let me know what you guys think
Hey guys I am having issues with my touch diamond and want to upgrade to the pro for obvious reasons. I also have a brand new touch that they replaced for me after I had to buy a new diamond to replace my broken touch. Do you think retentions will exchange my diamond for a pro or maybe even my touch and diamond for a pro? I have been very happy with sprint for the past 10 years but am getting pissed at their support lately. I called one time and they tried telling me they dont do any kind of discounts anymore I called the chick a liar and hung up called someone else and they got me the plan i needed. Seems retentions is not as good as it used to be. BTW I have two lines from sprint both run full service. Idk let me know what you guys think
they will probably charge you the 50 dollar difference between the diamond and pro... especially if you are within 30 days
Hey guys I am having issues with my touch diamond and want to upgrade to the pro for obvious reasons. I also have a brand new touch that they replaced for me after I had to buy a new diamond to replace my broken touch. Do you think retentions will exchange my diamond for a pro or maybe even my touch and diamond for a pro? I have been very happy with sprint for the past 10 years but am getting pissed at their support lately. I called one time and they tried telling me they dont do any kind of discounts anymore I called the chick a liar and hung up called someone else and they got me the plan i needed. Seems retentions is not as good as it used to be. BTW I have two lines from sprint both run full service. Idk let me know what you guys think

you want to sell that touch and if so how much?
idk bout him but if I goto alltel just to get a free touch pro, ill sale my sprint touch to you. throw an offer. no scratches on it.

what do you want out of it? im just looking to give it as a late by a couple day christmas gift for my bro.