[HTC-PRO] [Update 04/02/09] ATR 30 Manila/Rhodium Touch Pro TF3D2(build 21028)

Been running this for about a week now.....And its been a little buggy for me....But I also realized that I didnt hard reset after I installed it....So...I just Hard reset and Im gonna give it another try.....

if you were running the tf3d2, then i can understand why the bugs, but i've been running the regular tf3d for 2 weeks now, and i must say is the best rom i've ran, no bugs at all! that's crazy! and yes, battery out and hard reset is a MUST after every flash.
How stable is this rom in comparison to mighty I have been using mighty and have been pretty satisfied but, I have issues with wanting to try the latest and greatest.:connie_mykilroy:

this rom is great.....cant tell u how it is compared to mighty since i havnt ran a mighty rom since he buggy days......but seeing the comparison throughout this entire thread i'd say it is one of the most stable roms if not the most stable rom there is....in 6.1 that is
blah.. love this rom.. but GPS not working :-( i tried all the ports and i get nothing :-( and also my thethering only works for like 2 mintues at a time :-(
blah.. love this rom.. but GPS not working :-( i tried all the ports and i get nothing :-( and also my thethering only works for like 2 mintues at a time :-(

get advance config or diamond tweaks....under data settings...enable AGPS....should solve your GPS issue...for the tethering issue....are you in a good ev coverage?? it doesnt go from ev to 1x every so often does it?? could be y its dropping u...
cool gps works now... thethering... well i never had issues when i was running big jew's rom.. gonna have to play with it some more at work tomorrow.. thanks alot

Not sure y it drops you, Ive never had that issue and the only thing I could think of is the radio or towers your attached too....did u recently flash a new radio??
html links arent working for me....If someone send me an email or a txt and it has a web link in it, it will only open Opera and not go to the site, same problem with my twitter app, if I click on a twitpic link or any other link, opera only opens, and wont go to the site. Is there a fix for this, maybe a reg fix or something? Other than that, This ROM has been great, also the tf3d2 goodies werent working...until I uninstalled the xbodnotification stuff, then it all popped up....interesting....O well....Love the ROM, Now lets get my links to work :-)
love the rom! amazing! but the clock iss killing me. anytime i go into alarms or soft reset the clock drops an hour. i hard reset and everything. flashed 3 times. i can go in and set it, but if i reset or go into alarms. Bamm it drops an hour. any help would be great!
love the rom but the clock thing is drivin me nuts i have a hectic schedule and use alarms all the time to wake up for meetings at crazy hours and i def cant trust the alarm on my phone cause i never know if its gonna go back an hour
love the rom! amazing! but the clock iss killing me. anytime i go into alarms or soft reset the clock drops an hour. i hard reset and everything. flashed 3 times. i can go in and set it, but if i reset or go into alarms. Bamm it drops an hour. any help would be great!
love the rom but the clock thing is drivin me nuts i have a hectic schedule and use alarms all the time to wake up for meetings at crazy hours and i def cant trust the alarm on my phone cause i never know if its gonna go back an hour

yes as explained well over 20x it is the new rhodium manila....a permanent fix for that is to go to settings, clocks and alarms, change your time zone to an hour ahead....go to settings,phone, services/ time sync and uncheck auto time sync....you will no longer have the issue of it setting it back and hour....
html links arent working for me....If someone send me an email or a txt and it has a web link in it, it will only open Opera and not go to the site, same problem with my twitter app, if I click on a twitpic link or any other link, opera only opens, and wont go to the site. Is there a fix for this, maybe a reg fix or something? Other than that, This ROM has been great, also the tf3d2 goodies werent working...until I uninstalled the xbodnotification stuff, then it all popped up....interesting....O well....Love the ROM, Now lets get my links to work :-)

try this cab, I made it to use opera as default, all html,xml.ftp,http, and all other associated files extensions will open using oprea....


try this cab, I made it to use opera as default, all html,xml.ftp,http, and all other associated files extensions will open using oprea....
Fixed it right up....I dont know if I have any other issues with this ROM. Thanks Fellas! Best Rom I have had to-date....Cant wait till winmo 6.5 and tf3d2 are in final stages, Because I will be waiting for the ATR version! Is this ROM posted in XDA, or a link, because I know Ive seen guys asking and looking for a good sprint rom, Most of the guys over there use gsm.
Fixed it right up....I dont know if I have any other issues with this ROM. Thanks Fellas! Best Rom I have had to-date....Cant wait till winmo 6.5 and tf3d2 are in final stages, Because I will be waiting for the ATR version! Is this ROM posted in XDA, or a link, because I know Ive seen guys asking and looking for a good sprint rom, Most of the guys over there use gsm.

I do believe we posted the Pro rom over there not sure if we posted the diamond rom....but glad it all works for ya now...thanks for the support and enjoy the rom :)