What is you single most favorite app??

Re: What is you single most favorite app

Right now my favorite is definitely RDP Remote desktop, I just set it up in vista and wow! I can control everything on my desktop remotely. Vista looks beautiful on the VGA screen
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Re: What is you single most favorite app

i gotta agree with Big Jew..wmwifirouter is the shiznit lol i love my free high speed internet connection :D
Re: What is you single most favorite app

I also am a big fan of Orb. One of my most used and liked aps is Kinoma Player. With it I can access all of the media i share through Orb, my Audible audio books, YouTube videos (and other video sharing sites) and a whole lot more.
Re: What is you single most favorite app

I impress the hell out of everybody in meetings and I'm the hero !!!!!!!!!!!!!!:PDT_Armataz_45::PDT_Armataz_45::PDT_Armataz_45::PDT_Armataz_45:
Re: What is you single most favorite app

My absolute favorite is s2p...THAT'S MY SH*T!!!
Honorable mentions: Selboriyorker, PS Shutdown, Sk Tools & Face Contacts

OK, so what is this S2P app? i've done a search but just "S2P" is too short of a search term, and I don't know what it is?

I love my S2U app, couldn't live without it, but i'm thinking of switching and trying out the throttle laucher locker app.
Re: What is you single most favorite app

WMWIFIRouter v.091, SK Tools, Power SMS, and Palringo! My most used. Also, for some brain weight training...MasterSoft Brain Solutions: Brain School, the only game I play on my phone! I even have my children "rocking it out!". I wonder if there is a PC version.
Re: What is you single most favorite app

My favorite app now?? Anything made specifically for VGA........... LMAOOOOOO

My faves...

-SeeqpodMobile VGA (running hard at first)
-Opera Mobile (latest version cooked in juggalos rom, love it on a vga screen, i dont even zoom in to read the posts)
-HTC Youtube (love this app)
-Touchflo3d MP3 Player (blew s2p out of the water!!!)

FYI.... QVGA apps look like crap on my touch pro even though the are supposed to support both with the same cab (thats bullcrap cuz the vga phone gets the blurry gfx so i dont fall for that BS) i got rid of most cuz im so paranoid about the sharpness of my new VGA screen so if it doesnt do justice....to the trash

My recycle bin.....

-Coreplayer (looking for a VGA skin but it hurt the most to get rid of but HTC youtube soothes my wounds)

-WVD (less porn :( ......................................crap)

-Skyfire (looks like utter crap..... but i never used it anyway, im a Opera guy)
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i have to agree with mike on seeqpod and the newest version is faster than ever :> and also i got to give my reps to mobile shell :>
Re: What is you single most favorite app

My favorite app now?? Anything made specifically for VGA........... LMAOOOOOO

My faves...

-SeeqpodMobile VGA (running hard at first)
-Opera Mobile (latest version cooked in juggalos rom, love it on a vga screen, i dont even zoom in to read the posts)
-HTC Youtube (love this app)
-Touchflo3d MP3 Player (blew s2p out of the water!!!)

FYI.... QVGA apps look like crap on my touch pro even though the are supposed to support both with the same cab (thats bullcrap cuz the vga phone gets the blurry gfx so i dont fall for that BS) i got rid of most cuz im so paranoid about the sharpness of my new VGA screen so if it doesnt do justice....to the trash

My recycle bin.....

-Coreplayer (looking for a VGA skin but it hurt the most to get rid of but HTC youtube soothes my wounds)

-WVD (less porn :( ......................................crap)

-Skyfire (looks like utter crap..... but i never used it anyway, im a Opera guy)
Wow man you basically named my list there...

Opera looks amazing, Skyfire looks crappy but I dont use it anyways..

Yep you basically named what I would name
Re: What is you single most favorite app

ANY of the flashlight apps...just wish the touch pro had some damn buttons
Re: What is you single most favorite app

ANY of the flashlight apps...just wish the touch pro had some damn buttons

it does.... use another of my favorites aebutton plus and you cant go wrong..... gives you more button functions on the pro than you will know what to do with :>

and for mine im still a fan of seeqpod, wmwifirouter, throttle lock, galarm, guard mobile, sprint nascar mobile, sms nuke, youtube app, etc.
Re: What is you single most favorite app

just wanted to have this thread up to date

Morphgear is my one and only for now, all my favorite game consoles in one awesome emulator woohoo, i have spent 3 sleepless nights already playing this s#it

pokemon ruby <--- for old times sake, i used to love that s#it when i was in middle school like 10 years ago, so i wanted to try the new one

super mario rpg <--- my all time favorite snes game

zelda a link to the past (snes)/ oracle of seasons (game boy)/ oracle of ages (gameboy) <--- love zelda games also