What is you single most favorite app??

Re: What is you single most favorite app

My favorite is my browser as well bc if it wasnt for it i wouldnt be on AMJ 24/7 AMJ baby all day long all night long.
Re: What is you single most favorite app

Sprite back up and pocket rar. 2 must haves to save my shhht then reopen everything back up and do it all over again, im customizen and modding all day, ya digggg!!
Re: What is you single most favorite app

Simply said Selboriyorker's Shell (currently 2.1) , Selboriyorker Diary, Morningstar Mobile, and Resco. My Verizon Omnia exceeds my expectation ...'seppen fur da GPS thing...urrrrrraaaaa. I would love to use MSN Live/Google Live and similar...but alas.:PDT_Armataz_45:
Re: What is you single most favorite app

sailing clicker seems cool, but i cant find a cracked version. any takers?

I use Megashares, but you can get cracked version from Bit Torrent as well. I recommend Megashares, it's only $10.00 for a mnth, but you can get ANYTHING (DVD's, Software, Music, etc) from there and it's a direct download from the server, not a torrent and not a shared file! Very nice, you want it, it's there! Bit torrent is only a last resort and I recommend having you antivirus running and then CCleaner afterwards cause of all the crap! Hope this helps.

--------- New Post Merged on 19/4/2009 at 11:15:33 --------

it does.... use another of my favorites aebutton plus and you cant go wrong..... gives you more button functions on the pro than you will know what to do with :>

and for mine im still a fan of seeqpod, wmwifirouter, throttle lock, galarm, guard mobile, sprint nascar mobile, sms nuke, youtube app, etc.

Man I have been looking for SMS Nuke and you Fart app, no such luck yet. I have a feeling one of those if not both would be on my list!

--------- New Post Merged on 19/4/2009 at 11:41:00 --------

As for my Fav apps. Man there's soo many. Just to name a few and why.... Smartphone Tracker,
PIM Backup,
Sk Tools,
WM Wifi Router,
Resco Explorer,
& Orb would be the most I use and depend on right now.
REASON(S) Why: Smatphone tracker is the shit becuase if your phone comes up missing you will wish you had it! Just send a text to your phone and you will receive updated emails with your phones location via Google Maps w Street View! Someone takes it, go to their house and get it back! Qik is the shit, it turns ur phone into a Web Cam, and streams live in real-time to the internet etc. Awesome I love it! PIM for backup of course. Sk Tools I think everyone knows why, it's just a must have for me. WM Wifi Router is a must have as well, Resco anything is the shit, and Orb I'm still checking out thanks to this thread so far so good.
I'm sure that will change again soon thanks to sites like this that are constantly growing and changing to keep us on the latest and greates out there. Thanks AMJ, and thank you Mike for this thread, good idea, a lot of helpful info on this one.
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