WM 6.1 For Your Vogue AKA Sprint Touch

well download the titan rom and try flashing to that and you shouldnt post titan probs in the vouge area youll cofuse the hell outa the vouge users
alright so u told me to post on threads my problem being that u posted it i figured u would know but to whoever out there that might please help im new to this im stuck on the boot loader it says spl-2.40 olipro i tried using uni_exitbootloader but it makes the screen go black for like 2 seconds then back to boot loader i must addd that this is the 6800 so im guessing thats the problem because this was for the vogue and not the titan if all else fails could sprint help me i reaaly am clue less right about now

you can try to flash the 3.27 radio and no spritn cant haelp you they will void the warranty. you will have to mosylikely go through insurance and drop the 50 bux. just pay more attention next time to the title since it said touch aka vogue clearly.
ok so did that got the 3.27 radio but its stuck on the yellow sprint screen any idea were to go from here ive searched and looked around kinda lost man thanks for the help so far
ok so did that got the 3.27 radio but its stuck on the yellow sprint screen any idea were to go from here ive searched and looked around kinda lost man thanks for the help so far

ok i dont wanna make it sound like your sumb or nothing but you ran that and flashed that to your phone correct? because that should fix it without problems. if not try a hard reset and see what that does for you.
no dice it didint do a thing if u think of any thing let me know and send me a link ot point me in the right direction if all fails ill try to get the touch with ur new thread about the touch
no dice it didint do a thing if u think of any thing let me know and send me a link ot point me in the right direction if all fails ill try to get the touch with ur new thread about the touch

try to reflash and thats all i can think of for you. might have been just a bad flash.
ok it installed just fine got the threaded text and all but i still dont know if i ot rev a but i am gonna try a gps app to see if it works....i tryed installing babylon on it and it wouldnt..
ok it installed just fine got the threaded text and all but i still dont know if i ot rev a but i am gonna try a gps app to see if it works....i tryed installing babylon on it and it wouldnt..

as said already in the thread gps rev a is NOT in this rom. touch users will have to wait until th official releasefrom sprint to get this ora leaked version will have to surface.
damn sprint better hurry up with them updates! found out why i couldnt install apps i had to reinstall windows device manager 6.1 on my pc......
Just a quick question..if i ran the unlocker flashed with windows 6.1 and reflash with OEM rom will my phone still be unlocked for future use?
Ok so i got my OEM rom, now your saying i cant flash my phone with it because i unlocked it?

bro no need to double post we will get to you when we have a chance, as he said above and i told you in the other thread all you have to do is relock your phone with the vogue relocker and than you iwll be fine.
Is the Vogue Unlocker and Relocker the samething ?
I have the Vogue Unlocker, so Im wondering if that will relock it.
Just incase I ever need to relock and flash with Stock OEM Rom

I'm using a similar ROM to this one the OMJ.WM6.1.v7.UC build 19716 pretty good for Newbies like me.
Is the Vogue Unlocker and Relocker the samething ?
I have the Vogue Unlocker, so Im wondering if that will relock it.
Just incase I ever need to relock and flash with Stock OEM Rom

I'm using a similar ROM to this one the OMJ.WM6.1.v7.UC build 19716 pretty good for Newbies like me.

no there different one locks and one relocks..... pretty explanatory there.... and yes the relocker will lock so you can flash back to a stock rom if needed. also updating this thread right now with the newest version of this rom....
no there different one locks and one relocks..... pretty explanatory there.... and yes the relocker will lock so you can flash back to a stock rom if needed. also updating this thread right now with the newest version of this rom....

I just flashed with a Sprint Stock ROM and didn't need an unlocker
But now trying to flash with another ROM and it looks like the phone is locked
I just flashed with a Sprint Stock ROM and didn't need an unlocker
But now trying to flash with another ROM and it looks like the phone is locked

right you dont need to unlock for stock roms since they are stock. the only time you need to unlock is when your flashing custom roms.
right you dont need to unlock for stock roms since they are stock. the only time you need to unlock is when your flashing custom roms.

Yea I thought somebody said here you needed to relock to get Stock rom lol
But yea I had to reunlock just now :)