chilling square, i am good. no i am not but i will post up some good rum that people say work well. will square we going to do what brothers do help one <G> Bro. Cooper Silver moon 105 pomona ca
whats up square. hope all is well. are u pritty good at this touch pro stuff like flashing and themes and such? i hope so cause i need help lol. not flashing thats easy but other lil things i might not know. travel lightly brother. Bothers of Atlanta Lodge 833
hey um you think you can help me put a theme on my phone and some like apps on it? i would try it myself but i feel like i might mess it up know what i mean?
hey Bro....sorry for interrupting....if you people using that Cricket Rom that I put together have no complaints or suggestions for improvement, I will post it to the ROM section.....I appreciate all the help you have provided me in so many threads that I have read......without your shared wisdom I NEVER would have gotten to where I am now.........Best wishes