New profile posts

Hey whattup bro? howz the City treatin you? Things around here are always different....hate my current assignment, but hey, they pay me well to tell me what to do......
No support questions on my pofile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey kinda new to this whole thing..and ive seen most of your videos on youtube, and i must say all the themes ive seen are pretty looking to update the rom for my TP and im kinda slow so not to be a pain but can u help me. Please!!!
hey u! heh been a while since i got a visitor message from someone lol sup with u? me still on vacaton (i think?) lol
Thanks bro :) ya I've been chilln with the kids and just taking it easy lately. Had a great 4th (walked home to be safe LOL) and hope you did to.
Thanks bro but whe dont celebrate that whit us 21 july lol but happy 4july to you bro

grtz cyber weesje
Thanks bro, its was pretty cool, my brother and his family and mine, and two of my nephews went out to dinner, and than watched the fire works. It was cool watching my little girls reaction to the fireworks. How was yours?? hope your was as good as mine!!
Hey bro.......had not seen you for awhile, so i thought i would drop a quick note....havent spent much time on the board, so been kinda playing catch as catch can.....hopefully youre doin well and had a good 4th! Best wishes bro!