What is you single most favorite app??


SPJ Trend Setter ADMIN
I am starting this thread because I think everyone has a favorite application. I have found in the past that when someone shares their favorite I give it a try and sometimes find it useful as well as others. This thread will allow everyone to see what good app's are out there and maybe be of some use.

as for me, opera9.5 and coreplayer are a must

but my absolute favorite is s2p
word? you have the simplyput picture app? i upgraded to simplyput plus v2.0 which has a zoom and slideshow feature

Posted via Mobile Device
^^ LOL! ok, ok
Opera 9.5, Touchpal, and Sailing Clicker which lets you control your pc from your phone via bluetooth.

it's not so much a phone app, but it's installed on my PC... it allows me to stream all of the local radio stations and all the cable stations i have from my computer's TV Tuner, streams all of my pictures, videos, music, documents, webcams, security cameras, etc on my computer AND my computer NETWORK... AND it can search and stream youtube, google video, metcafe, etc etc... so... amazing...

between my roommate and I, my orb currently allows me to stream:

10,000+ ALBUMS of music, including Billboard's top 40's from every year since recorded music began

2000+ hours of movies and television shows

all my television channels (digital, HD, standard def, local, and recorded)

my webcam, in case i have a woman spend the night, gotta watch my assets...

my 6 favorite local radio stations

my 2 favorite non-local radio stations

all of youtube, google video, metcafe, etc

our entire library of X-Rated movies and pictures

and anything that finishes downloading while I'm away from home xD

it's accessed through Pocket Internet Explorer, and is entirely searchable, so i can type in "DMX" and it'll bring up all 5 of his albums, and 3 of the movies he's starred in since we have them all in our collection... I can even rent a DVD and throw it into my computer, then stream it on-the-fly to my phone without having to convert it... watch it while I'm at work and then return it when i get home... Orb is so amazing!!!!!

Now hopefully you know why it's my favorite app, even though it's not technically on my phone...

I gotta agree with RADRaze2KX. Orb is The Sh*t! You install it on your computer at home and just logon to orb from any computer/phone with internet and you have access to all the media on your comp from anywhere in the world. KINDA like a slingbox, but better, and free! And if you have a Media Center PC then you can watch live tv. Who needs MobiTV or Sprint TV...
I gotta agree with RADRaze2KX. Orb is The Sh*t! You install it on your computer at home and just logon to orb from any computer/phone with internet and you have access to all the media on your comp from anywhere in the world. KINDA like a slingbox, but better, and free! And if you have a Media Center PC then you can watch live tv. Who needs MobiTV or Sprint TV...

orb huh..??? hmmmm ive heard about this here and there but never actually tried it, i should give it a shot then