Recent content by dierrecook

  1. D

    NueROM Touch Pro 1st Rom Released

    the mogul doesnt have enough ram does it oh well i got a pro now haha
  2. D

    You Know That You Are A Smartphonejunkie When...

    you know that you are a androidmobilejunkie when u flash ur phone at work so much your boss thinks your charging it.
  3. D

    new to smartphonejunkie

    this is a preety kool site i just learned dont ask questions without doing some research or youll get flamed
  4. D

    Every thing you could ever want for your mogul

    not bad not bad at all
  5. D

    forget the Instinct and the iphone

    the mogul has greater potential than the iphone simply because of the ability too change interfaces roms
  6. D

    mario spb theme

    where do i save mario selboriyorker shell on phone it on my phone am i missing something been looking through the threads 4 hours never used a shell before
  7. D

    Hi from dierrecook

    Hi dierrecook, Welcome to You are now part of our Online Community where you can interact with 1000's of Mobile Phone users! Here are five quick links to help you get Started: 1) Rules & Guidelines (Please read our Forum Rules before posting) 2) New to...