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  1. C

    Dont Touch MeHot Must Have Pro Only Diamond

    thanks man and yes i did googled it and i downloade so many of them and when it came time to put it in my cell and open it it would say not a ppc application and i probably download from about 10 different places
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    Dont Touch MeHot Must Have Pro Only Diamond

    can somone post me the direct link to download the net framework 3.5 ive searched everywhere and i couldnt find one that works with wm devices so if someone could post a link thank you.
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    [RELEASE] Pocketshield v25012 [Updated]

    Re: Pocketshield v2113 [Updated] dash ive look for the net framwork v3.5 and nowhere to be found i fonud couple of them but they arent compatible with ppc and i already looked for them i cant find it can you give me the direct link to it please?
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    i live in baltimore and this is nice but one question its the 4g only for the wiresless thing that plugs into computers or will it be for cellphones as well?
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    FREE Touch PRO upgrade with TEP if you have the MOGUL

    ok guys this is a way of also getting the htc touch pro but what i did was a little easier and safer. i called up sprint and got transfered to the insurance company which is also known as TEP, well i told them that my mogul was acting up weird and that i am not able to use many features which...
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    What contacts programs do you guys use?

    yes you can do all that with pocketcm
  7. C

    Garmin Mobile XT 4.20.30w

    is it the one with the 5 download links that are 500 mb each? because thats what im downloading now
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    Garmin Mobile XT 4.20.30w

    i already got it thx anyways now i just need the maps since everytime i open garmin nav it only shows me the highways and when i click on home or addresses and the other ones it says: "Detail maps are required to use this feature. Visit for more information"
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    Garmin Mobile XT 4.20.30w

    where can i find the 'GarminMobileXTSupportFiles_4xxxx.exe' for voice files. and where is also 'GarminMobileXTFreeBasemap_4xxxx.exe' for Garmin's base map.?
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    What contacts programs do you guys use?

    i use pocketcm and i like it. its like the htc touch fast and easy scrolling
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    WIMP - Where Is My Phone v.

    yes but like i said i dont get it so it would be nice it you can type in an example of it
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    Slide2Unlock Pro V1.05.0225

    dash i like ur work dont get me wrong but i passed my download limit with rapidshare and i have to wait around 20 minutes i think you should try also putting other download links so that this doesnt happen to other people
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    TomTom 6.02

    hey dash answer me this with the truth. do u prefer Garmin or tomtom?
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    WIMP - Where Is My Phone v.

    can you just type an example of what i should send my phone and if its from another phone or how should i text it?
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    WIMP - Where Is My Phone v.

    sorry guys but ive read the manuel and done everything but i still dont get the part of how to get a location of ur cell phone it just says send a specially formatted message to your phone and it will get back to u. well my question is what type of specially formatted message should i type and...
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    Qwest Mogul Official Rom Update 3.35.656.2

    yes it will be gone. i would recommend to save it in a folder in your desktop
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    Skype v2.2.0.37 for Mobile (Freeware)

    i tryed both speaker and headphones neither work and i took my team to search before and i saw that people were saying that there is an older version that works with the mogul
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    Skype v2.2.0.37 for Mobile (Freeware)

    dash we cant get the sound to work when ever you call or recieve a call u answer and there is no sound for neither person
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    Hi from chris2989

    Hi chris2989, Welcome to You are now part of our Online Community where you can interact with 1000's of Mobile Phone users! Here are five quick links to help you get Started: 1) Rules & Guidelines (Please read our Forum Rules before posting) 2) New to...