SkyFire Browser Beats the Pants Off the iPhone -- No Foolin'


SkyFire Browser Beats the Pants Off the iPhone -- No Foolin'
By Dieter Bohn
Posted on January 28, 2008 8:20 AM

I had a chance to get a demo of the upcoming SkyFire browser (over Skype) last week and I gotta tell you - it's hot. Here's the skinny - it's currently in private beta with a public beta planned for later this quarter. It works on Windows Mobile Pro and Standard (and Symbian, hush), and it's really, really awesome. As in, my envy for the iPhone's browser may soon be coming to an end‚ kind of awesome.

Here's how it works - it's a server-side solution (more on that inside) based on Gecko (same bits behind Firefox's rendering). Basically everything gets rendered on the server and then sent out to your phone. That solves some of the processor / speed issues, but it also adds more benefits, like full AJAX, Flash, Javascript, you name it. I watched the browser instantly load an embedded YouTube video (from a random page on our site) and start playing with nary a jag and nary a lag -- this over a UMTS connection, mind you.

The SkyFire teams told me Our goal is that if Firefox can render it, then your Windows Mobile phone will render it the exact same way.‚

There more, including a screenshot gallery, after the break!

For the first time ever, smartphone
users can experience the real Web‚ to access and interact with any Web
site built with any Web technology, including dynamic Flash, advanced Ajax,
Java and more - at the same speeds they are accustomed to on their PC -




Server Side is Awesome / Not Awesome
So the benefit of having 90% of the work on a server is you get snappy rendering, full support for basically any web standard, and fast downloads. You get the desktop browser pushed out to your phone.

The downside - that server best stay up, hey? It also best keep your data secure and private (SkyFire says that's been their #1 priority, even in their early betas). Lastly, though, server's ain't free. SkyFire hasn't settled on a pricing model yet, but they're leaning towards ads before subscriptions to keep the service free. The company was keen to show me their portal - which pulls from multiple search engines - so that's probably going to be part of the model.

The Software Itself
One .cab file for the browser, that's all you install to get full Flash, AJAX (the thing can handle the craziest of Google Maps/Apps AJAX), etc. Since it's all handled server-side

The SkyFire browser has all the necessary zoom and bookmark features you'd expect from a browser of this sort. It also has a fit to screen‚ feature -- but with a neat difference. Instead of re-rendering the entire webpage to fit your screen, it actually just renders the different sections of text to fit your screen in place. So you still get the basic layout of the site, but when you zoom into a piece of text to read it you know it will be set to the right width for comfortable reading at your mobile's resolution.

...It's about time we had a browser that's not only competitive with the iPhones, but that beats it in several categories. The fact that it's all server-side is the real story here, though, as that's SkyFire's greatest strength and weakness.

EDIT: somehow i forgot to post this so heres the youtube viseo:
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wow this looks bad ass and very promising cant wait until that public release comes out beta wise. i will be the first to find out and i will get you the notice for all the members here at AMJ so they can try it before all the slots are filled.
Texts have been sent out for the download. Apparently the Beta is on....

Still waiting for mine :yahoo:
Yeah I read on other Forums people have gotten it all ready. I havent recieved my 2nd email yet :triste: Hopefully it will be available for DL.
Yeah I read on other Forums people have gotten it all ready. I havent recieved my 2nd email yet :triste: Hopefully it will be available for DL.

im still waiting inpatiently for my text message from them also, i cant wait to get this bad boy and take her for a spin.
Man, I've been drooling over this Browser ever since I seen it in action on YouTube... Hopefully we get it.
lets see if anyone can make this happen. I got my hands on the cab..Its installed but it gives error phone number doesn't match registered members list. Hopefully someone can crack it for us.Cause i took got a sms.But mine said they were filled at this time.So lets crack
lets see if anyone can make this happen. I got my hands on the cab..Its installed but it gives error phone number doesn't match registered members list. Hopefully someone can crack it for us.Cause i took got a sms.But mine said they were filled at this time.So lets crack

I've taken a look at SkyFire & it doesn't look good. It's not possible to force authorization as it depends on a secret PGP keypair shared between the activation server & the device. A meet in the middle attack would be our next best bet but this is not guaranteed as they're using SSL to encrypt the packets flowing between.

Even if the app were cracked to force successful authorization on the client side it would just freeze & wait for a non-existent response from the authorization server. A crucial part of the activation would be that it compares the IP of the client to determine their geographical location & any place outside the US results in an "Invalid authorization" response.

Another possibility is to access the server through a tunnelling exploit but this highly depends on the configuration of the server itself. I doubt that they'd leave this channel open.

Also something interesting to ponder:
.rdata:0007BA0C aReset DCB "Reset",0 ; DATA XREF: .text:off_28DE0o
.rdata:0007BA12 ALIGN 8
.rdata:0007BA18 aScheduledAHard unicode 0, <Scheduled a hard reset for tstamp=%d>,0
.rdata:0007BA18 ; DATA XREF: .text:off_292BCo
This is a debug message that would not be displayed to the end-user so there exists a condition where it secretly schedules a hard-reset of the client's device. Nice going, SkyFire :lol: