[READ ME] SPJ T-shirts

hey guys i love the idea & all.. but i had 2 voted no the reason is because i think they would be too difficult to sale.I think the best way to sale them would be after every youtube video that is shown from AMJ or something like that. well nways i DO hope that the shirts sale if they do u all guys have my support i would definitely buy @ least 2
Let's get some votes in people what are we waiting on????? WTF....this should be priority, we need these shirts for more than one reason. Even if you don't want a shirt for yourself, you should still get one to promote the site and show your support. If that's not what your about than you don't deserve to download or even be on here for that matter. If your not willing to support and promote the site and contribute than why are you here?? Come on people...let's do this shit man..the site needs all the help possible!
Yea bro that just shows u how many ppl are just here to take advantage of this great site and not want to give anything back sad but true i want a shirt u got my vote

im with you bro!!! im starting to think that there are many members here that are taking advantage of this great web page!!!
one of the reason why i brought back this conversation was because i wanted people to really have his or her say in this and voted yes so this would actually happen we even have some people that have voted NO!! and some that have voted DONT CARE!!!
Just what the **** is that !!!!
what do you mean dont care!!!
oh well!!! i really dont want to get mad lol!!! but thanks to all you who really want this to happen!!!
ok to get this moving i was thinking it may help to have some sample designs to help others base their decisions... so if some designers want to make some designs for the shirt without too many colors and tyrying to keep clean post em up and we can add to the first post :)
ok to get this moving i was thinking it may help to have some sample designs to help others base their decisions... so if some designers want to make some designs for the shirt without too many colors and tyrying to keep clean post em up and we can add to the first post :)

As always dash great ideaa lol can with to c what these junkies come up with :yahoo:
i think we will get more votes when there is actually pictures of some mock ups done.... i got a hook up on t0shirts through my buddy whos aunts a screen printer shop owner and can get some made for us for cheap.... lets see the designs come in guys :) remember not too much color otherwise they end up looking tacky and cheap...
i would just like to give you guys some feed back. first off i'd def buy a shirt. 2nd all these members but people don't know about this idea. i would like a shirt and i'm on here usually a couple times a day and this is the first time i've looked at this thread. i've seen it, i've even said "i'll have to look into that tshirt thread." but this is the first time i actually read the post. i've been coming on here almost everyday for months but i'm still figuring out how to get around on the site and i'm sure i've only tapped into maybe 20% of it. i look in certain areas for certain stuff. my suggestion would be to put a picture of a shirt (even if it's not a shirt you're actually selling) on every page, like the "pocket pcsource site" label in the top left. or the donation star and the twitter bird, that elboriyorker was so kind to move after the smallest uproar from a few members. if people see the shirt they will be more interested than if they have to stumble across the thread. that's just the one cent i have to offer.

--------- New Post Merged on 16/7/2009 at 06:20:33 --------

i also, originally, blew right by the voting part trying to scroll down too quickly to start reading the thread. caught it and voted on the second time through.
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