thanks and yes it was hard for me to say but i feel it is something i had to say. i never thought i would ever do something like that to myslef and would never imagine doing it again but with all going on that i mentioned in the first post for a while and than my best friend and my mentor killing himself was just too much to handle and i stupidly decided to take the pussy way out..... its something that i have to live with now and after that experience i shouldnt have been living for a guy my size as the doctor said but the stranger than took me to the hospital at the bar got me there before all went too sour. i owe my life to that guy and of course GOD. i wouldnt be here if the big man didnt feel that my work on earth was done. i thiank you all for the comments and i guess i got some thinking to do. i really do appreciate having you all to talk to and finally getting that off my chest. it really was a hard thing for me to do because suicide is no joke and many look down on that..... and with the girl i know it aint the end of the world and at times i love being single and hanging out with the guys without worries but sometimes you just need a girl to be by your side and love you nad care for you when you are down..... i truely do love you guys and have a whole different outlook on life. it may take me a while to get out of the massive depression that i am in righ now and i may not be on much or at all in the near future why i get my life back straight..... i will give you all a final decision as i said on monday and truthfully without you guys im not sure where i would be or who i would be.
Thanks taylor and AMJ
Damn bro... I'm sorry to hear you're going through all that... But take some solace in that all of us go through shit like that at times, especially these days.... It's great that we all have this hobby and passion for cool technology and the empowerment of feeling like somehow we're part of a revolution, but sometimes life kicks you in the nuts and you're left reeling... Just remember that a lot of people feel for you and you will always have friends and family that love you... Sounds like you're doing the right thing and reflecting on what's really important in life. This forum would sure miss you if decide to leave. What you've managed to help build here is no joke...,and I'm sure you could parlay that into bigger and better things. I myself was drawn here by one of your youtube videos, and am personally very grateful for all the help you've provided me and everyone else... Clearly, everyone else here feels the same way... Hang in there man...