[ANNOUNCEMENT] Thinking About Leaving

thanks and yes it was hard for me to say but i feel it is something i had to say. i never thought i would ever do something like that to myslef and would never imagine doing it again but with all going on that i mentioned in the first post for a while and than my best friend and my mentor killing himself was just too much to handle and i stupidly decided to take the pussy way out..... its something that i have to live with now and after that experience i shouldnt have been living for a guy my size as the doctor said but the stranger than took me to the hospital at the bar got me there before all went too sour. i owe my life to that guy and of course GOD. i wouldnt be here if the big man didnt feel that my work on earth was done. i thiank you all for the comments and i guess i got some thinking to do. i really do appreciate having you all to talk to and finally getting that off my chest. it really was a hard thing for me to do because suicide is no joke and many look down on that..... and with the girl i know it aint the end of the world and at times i love being single and hanging out with the guys without worries but sometimes you just need a girl to be by your side and love you nad care for you when you are down..... i truely do love you guys and have a whole different outlook on life. it may take me a while to get out of the massive depression that i am in righ now and i may not be on much or at all in the near future why i get my life back straight..... i will give you all a final decision as i said on monday and truthfully without you guys im not sure where i would be or who i would be.

Thanks taylor and AMJ


Damn bro... I'm sorry to hear you're going through all that... But take some solace in that all of us go through shit like that at times, especially these days.... It's great that we all have this hobby and passion for cool technology and the empowerment of feeling like somehow we're part of a revolution, but sometimes life kicks you in the nuts and you're left reeling... Just remember that a lot of people feel for you and you will always have friends and family that love you... Sounds like you're doing the right thing and reflecting on what's really important in life. This forum would sure miss you if decide to leave. What you've managed to help build here is no joke...,and I'm sure you could parlay that into bigger and better things. I myself was drawn here by one of your youtube videos, and am personally very grateful for all the help you've provided me and everyone else... Clearly, everyone else here feels the same way... Hang in there man...
Dam dash, its good you are talking about it, I have been there a 1 1/2 years ago, my dad died suddenly and 3 months later my husband told me he wanted a divorce, my life was turned upside down, hell I even wrote out suicide letters to my friends, but it was my friends that saved me so when friends here tell you to talk to them do it. People do really care about you, I know I do and I have learned alot from you --im still a noob though--but I would rather you take time off for a while and try to get better than not have you here in this world at all. I dont know what I would do without my dash, my husband hasnt even filed for divorce yet but we are seperated still and I got his health insurance but I say good riddence, as to your girlfriend you should say good riddence because there is someone out there who will treat you and love you the way you deserve. Take care of yourself dash......you can pm me if you ever need to talk...i was a cop for 10 years so im a good listener...if you do leave or take time off you could text me so I would know you are ok......................good luck and god bless...
do your thing and whatever it is you decide to do do it to the fullest
much respect to you and the staff
and if you go out everyone wants to go out at the top of their game and that my friend is what you would being doing there will be many other things you will prefect so godspeed it was a pleasure to have known you
I really don't know what to say, Dashy you know you are my one and only on here, and I hope you can consider me a friend, listen...whenever you wanna talk out some shit or whatever, you got the number, call me, I'm here for you anytime, and I can relate to your pain, without going into details, I HAVE BEEN where you are Dash, and I know it sucks sometimes when other ppl try to say "I know how you feel" when you really know that they DO NOT!! I DO know alot of what you are feeling and have been there, and it is a good thing that you are getting it off your chest, it feels like a weight being lifted I'm sure! Dashy, if you do decide to leave AMJ, I hope that we can still stay in contact somehow, that you can find the time to chat with me sometime (and not about ppc's, LOL), and I know also the feelings of being "alone" without the girl and all, been there also, and yes it is depressing, but there is a girl out there for you, you just have to be patient and you probably aren't going to find her in a bar somewhere hanging out with the boys, lol. A girl would be very lucky to have you, b/c I can see that you have alot to give to a relationship, you are a great person, and I feel honored to have made your acquanitance on here. I gotta go, I swear .......can't type through the tears, sorry but I get kinda emotional sometimes, this is hard for us here who love you and care about you as a person!!!! Talk soon dear!!!!!!!
Dude, look at this thread, people here love you! how they show it is debatable. Support DASH! Whatever your decision is, we will respect it. Perhaps you could just step down from admin for a while, and let someone else step up for a while, and let the stress calm down a bit. I completely understand how you feel, I can relate it to the fire department. No matter how much I do for them, they always want more. I am just a volunteer, so it doesn't even pay the bills. I have a full time job, and I'm a full time student. I also have a girlfriend that takes up a lot of my time. What I did was have a nice chat with them offering my page and my key back. Its not about bluffing because I was ready to leave (again). Ok, we do need to work on the thank yous, and the installed this program. Good luck on your decision.
Dude, look at this thread, people here love you! how they show it is debatable. Support DASH! Whatever your decision is, we will respect it. Perhaps you could just step down from admin for a while, and let someone else step up for a while, and let the stress calm down a bit. I completely understand how you feel, I can relate it to the fire department. No matter how much I do for them, they always want more. I am just a volunteer, so it doesn't even pay the bills. I have a full time job, and I'm a full time student. I also have a girlfriend that takes up a lot of my time. What I did was have a nice chat with them offering my page and my key back. Its not about bluffing because I was ready to leave (again). Ok, we do need to work on the thank yous, and the installed this program. Good luck on your decision.
haha he's not an Admin,. he's co-site owner with elboriyorker.....but im sure he gets your point...
i just want to say we love you dash and we should be more appretiative... i myself can think of times when i download and am too self centered to take the extra second to say thanks or to think about all i have learned about phones b/c of you... you are the man and if you leave you will most certainly be missed...i myself am determined to give more respect as everyone should!!!
Wow! Sorry to hear about your friend man. My best friend was shot and killed when we was young so I kinda know what you going through. Hell, I still have panic attacks sometimes. I know we don't know each other but I would listen if you needed it. You will never be able to help others if you don't take care of your self first. True friends will respect and support any decision you make in life. Keep your head up.
damn bro, sorry to hear how you feel.. i guess i'd feel the same way if i was you but im sure more than half the population of AMJ family love you for who you are and not for your knowledge. your knowledge is just a bonus. whatever decision you make man, i hope it's for the better. good luck with your endeavors.
bro you know i've been thinkn about this since you started this last night and ya know what, i've gone through a divorve and having my girlfriend killed while i was on the phone with her, and i think you've come a long waise shairing all of your pain and suffering, and you'llbe ok bro in the long run. no matter what your desion, its ok.
uhhh ohhhh....looks like Taylor is going to have to send you a can of coffee grinds in the next few days....lol

hahahahahahahaha i love coffee grinds tht have the prize in the can lmao :> and sorry about the party, i went into the hospital yesterday (stated in staff area until now) and had a lapro appy aka appendix removed..... ill be out mid-day today and gonna have to fight throguh that too :> but hell it can only look up from here :>

Dam dash, its good you are talking about it, I have been there a 1 1/2 years ago, my dad died suddenly and 3 months later my husband told me he wanted a divorce, my life was turned upside down, hell I even wrote out suicide letters to my friends, but it was my friends that saved me so when friends here tell you to talk to them do it. People do really care about you, I know I do and I have learned alot from you --im still a noob though--but I would rather you take time off for a while and try to get better than not have you here in this world at all. I dont know what I would do without my dash, my husband hasnt even filed for divorce yet but we are seperated still and I got his health insurance but I say good riddence, as to your girlfriend you should say good riddence because there is someone out there who will treat you and love you the way you deserve. Take care of yourself dash......you can pm me if you ever need to talk...i was a cop for 10 years so im a good listener...if you do leave or take time off you could text me so I would know you are ok......................good luck and god bless...

thank you for the words they really do mean a lot and its nice to know that im not the only one that goes through troubles like these. you coming out and saying that along side me makes me feel a lot better (not at your expense) im just glad that i have someone that has gone through the same as me for moral support and hopefully i can do the same. if you want to send me a pm i can get you hooked up with my numebr so we can stay in contact and all that jazz :> thanks again for caring

I don't have any words to say Dashy Poo as I can't understand what you're going thru. But I can offer an ear & a big ole hug! Love ya..& I'm here if you need me.

thank you i really need a big hug from my Aunesti :> make me feel much better since im stuck laying in this hospital bed for another 3 hours or so :< damn appendix lmao

I really don't know what to say, Dashy you know you are my one and only on here, and I hope you can consider me a friend, listen...whenever you wanna talk out some shit or whatever, you got the number, call me, I'm here for you anytime, and I can relate to your pain, without going into details, I HAVE BEEN where you are Dash, and I know it sucks sometimes when other ppl try to say "I know how you feel" when you really know that they DO NOT!! I DO know alot of what you are feeling and have been there, and it is a good thing that you are getting it off your chest, it feels like a weight being lifted I'm sure! Dashy, if you do decide to leave AMJ, I hope that we can still stay in contact somehow, that you can find the time to chat with me sometime (and not about ppc's, LOL), and I know also the feelings of being "alone" without the girl and all, been there also, and yes it is depressing, but there is a girl out there for you, you just have to be patient and you probably aren't going to find her in a bar somewhere hanging out with the boys, lol. A girl would be very lucky to have you, b/c I can see that you have alot to give to a relationship, you are a great person, and I feel honored to have made your acquanitance on here. I gotta go, I swear .......can't type through the tears, sorry but I get kinda emotional sometimes, this is hard for us here who love you and care about you as a person!!!! Talk soon dear!!!!!!!

thanks angie, you got my number and its open to you whenever you need it. im glad i have someone that i can talk to about this because as you know its hard to talk to people that havent gone through the same things because they dont truley understand. thank you ofr being there and i will def have to give you a call or shoot you a text and get too know you even better.

thanks you

bro you know i've been thinkn about this since you started this last night and ya know what, i've gone through a divorve and having my girlfriend killed while i was on the phone with her, and i think you've come a long waise shairing all of your pain and suffering, and you'llbe ok bro in the long run. no matter what your desion, its ok.

im sorry to hear all that you have been through and that has to be hard in a way that i couldnt imagine. thank you for sharing and also caring for me :> really does mean more than anyoen could understand :>


and with the above said i have put much thought into my decision and i decided the best thing for me at the time is to stay here at AMJ where i have all my friends there to help me through these times sicne trust me they have just begun and wont be easy to let go of and forget. i would like to thank all for their comments and care that they have shoown to me during my time of need. Thank you AMJ and even though i havent met any of you that have replied in this thread in person i consider you all great friends and family. Thank you for opening your hearts and minds to me and keeping me from not only making THE biggest mistake of my life but for also helping me through everything. you mean the world to me and dont know what i would do without you all.


I was hesitant to post in this thread since I'm not a "regular" or that active around here, but figured I'd might as well share a couple thoughts for ya, Dash. I'm sorry to hear the stuff you've been going through, and glad to see you decided to stick around. I can vouch that message boards where you have some close "e-friends" like this can be an invaluable source for coping with stuff life throws at you. Sometimes even easier than up close and personal since the slight anonymity can allow people to be more candid than they might be otherwise. I just lost my sister to still unknown causes (they say it may take 6 months to rule a cause of death) and found myself relying very heavily on some of my friends from a board where I'm a mod.

As for the thankless leaching, bro I gotta tell ya, it's a part of the game. Speaking as an old fogey who used to run a warez BBS back in the hi-tech Commodore 64 days (2400 baud baby), I used to feel exactly the same. I'd have folks tying up my modem for 4 and 5 hours leeching stuff off me without even posting a single message. You just gotta ignore those, no since in letting them get to you. It's just not worth the headache.
Good to see u stayin dash!! u r the reason i signed up on this site and started to customize my mogul. Everthing i've learned has come from this site and/or u. I don't post alot but after reading this i had to. Keep your head up and everything will work out for you!!...
glad to hear youre staying. you have helped me get started customizing my phone too. it all started with finding one of your videos on youtube, then it took me a year or so to actually get the mogul but once i did this site has helped a bunch! never thought id be customizing a phone. but im glad to hear youre staying.